Standard raid UI

It got worse, my UI is acting to the point where it is unplayable

I’m not even a good player, and this is making healing into a nightmare. I feel so bad for the people I’m trying to keep alive.

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Yep still an issue. What a bummer. I’m the author of Enhanced Raid Frames, and this is somewhat deflating how well my addon works.

I feel like the problem got 10x worse on tuesday. I’m literally healing targets from 2 targets ago. Literally trying to dispel a fear over and over on a target I healed 30 seconds ago. Game is literally unplayable with the standard UI. What a joke lol.

It’s so laggy it’s like it’s just dropping the heal on a random party member.

I’m not using mouse over macros, the player seems to be selected and is shown as my target, the unit frame is lit up, heal goes… somewhere else two thirds of the time.

This problem still exists.

Today, this problem still exists


STILL a thing? that’s crazy


Yep. Bug still exists. It suuucks.


Still a problem


Wow is pay to play so bugs shouldn’t be an issue for this long! Please fix this Blizzard support.

I am also still having issues, but I am beginning to think, at least for me, it’s not lag with the UI. It’s acting as if I am using the mouse over option in UI settings or mouse over macros. For the record: I’m not using either, and I am clicking on the UI to select the target to cast on. The target has a lit border default raid UI, and is shown as my target in the portrait frame.

But unless I keep the mouse pointer OVER THE TARGET ON THE UNIT FRAMES, the spell has a chance to cast on me (my mouse might be over my character), or to cast on any other player character that my mouse just happens to be over. This might explain why the targeting seems to be random.

My heals are mostly not bound to shift, alt, or control, and this is affecting them regardless of if there is a modifier.

I don’t play often enough to know if this bug coincided with the new mouse over option in the UI. I just want to heal a few low level dungeons for funsies now and then. And this makes it nerve wracking.

i have to click over someones portait 3+ times for it to register at times, How insane is that? and now some players doing even show up in my raid frame I have to /reload to see them. At times im not able to even click on some players. How is the Standard UI that buggy?

This is still a problem

Still a problem

yup it sure nuff is

I tweeted them. Maybe they’ll get back to us that way:


This is still a problem

Hrm I was trying to replicate this issue to catch a video recording and I can’t seem to trigger it, at least in a 5-man setting today. Did they fix this? Can anyone else of you still trigger this issue reliably?

Raid frames, not dungeons.