Unable to complete the quest as the target elites are not spawning in any of the caves. Can’t join a group because everyone is phased in the group. Please fix.
It’s dumb but you have to all go to Oribos first when you’re in a group so that you get put into the same shard. Otherwise you’re phased out.
As for the elites not spawning, can’t help with that. Probably best to just wait a few days for a hotfix
Same thing happened to me.
Yea, I spent about two full eye of the jailers tiers walking around killing every thing but no spawns that actually help with the quest. Wild Hunt elementals is bugged.
i have the same issue, tried groups went to Oribos to change phases… no avail. opened a ticket in game and got the garbage robot respones… please check wowhead and GMs cant help with quests. … what happened to the good old days where a GM would message you and assist you with the issue… clearly people are having this issue. i came into the beast warrens and immediately had 3/4 Roiling Stygia completed which i did not kill. i spent hours and never found another in any of the caves.
I have the same problem. Somehow started the quest with 3/4 complete but none of them are spawning.
In the same boat as others above. Started at 3/4 having done nothing, and no Roiling Stygia to be found.
I’m having the same problem. I’m stuck with 3/4 roiling stygia and can’t finish the quest this is the 3rd day and I am falling behind
Hey cut blizzard some slack after 15 years getting mobs to spawn is still really hard.
Need update
I had the same problem for 3 days with the 3/4 rolling styga showing but no mobs.
Went back to do a different quest on Monday in the warrens. When I got to the area the quest changed to kill the dragon things flying around the area. I was able to complete that quest and get credit.
As for the rolling stygia quest, I do not know if it ever got fixed on the bleeding hollow server. I know trade chat was filled with people saying they couldn’t complete that quest.