I’m really curious if anyone remember the druid Legendsky the MF spammer from BGs lol
I can’t wait to see the guild applications… What are we all 30’s 40’s now? lol
Do you have a guild yet? Very interested in running with all my old HWL friends that used to play with us from Warstomp PvP premades. My fondest memories from the game all time.
IT has!! holy crap! great to see and hear from an old familar face! hows the last…10+ years been? lol
Nebraska here
Bullmax! Blast from the past
Athuna NE Druid
Damn it’s so amazing to see so many familiar names.
Holy crap, I remember you!
And I remember Crifo. And of course Mer, who is still 100% a guy.
I think you meant to say I’m a guy.
cheese night elf priest / tehfat night elf hunter
Elisha’s Angels YAY!
i am not them however they do not have a lvl 10 to post here and asked me to do it
Night Elf Warrior
Name - Landelf
Guild - Insanity Inc
Hey Crifo! You playing classic? This is Lightofjusti aka Lighti, sorry for the past I still regret leaving TAP. Hope you’re doing well man. I’ll be healing in Classic like the good old days.
Whitespirit here… been so long since I thought of that name lol
Stumbled upon this recently.
Hey Cynis! It’s Secko, I’ll be playing a mage on Whitemane alliance called Josh.
hello my name was tatsuya warrior NE i was on the the gnome land security guild i think it still active.
I little bird told me I was mentioned here…
I believe the guild name you’re looking for is Ruin.
Mcgrundy here, Holy Pally from Phoenix.
I don’t really remember Cynis but I played a lot with Inanya and Namlay, would love to find them again.
I’m planning on playing with Zenephret (rogue) and Nighttiger (hunter) once classic launches. Server tbd based on queue times
Oh crap, Nebraska! Hey man I remember you! Whats up? I’m rolling Faerlina Alliance as Rhoads Human Warrior again if you’re playing.
Holy smokes Desperada & Tigercat! I’ll add ya on Bnet.
I’m friends with a few old staghelm people on Bnet and Facebook but unsure if they are coming back to classic, I’ll have to shoot them a message. Some names that come to mind - Shayk, Deadlast, Meriana, Notus, Graecus, Shadearu, Nazarene, Tonour, Zorak, Gurdolf, Swiftthistle, Bormon, Tsoc… I’m sure I’m missing a few more.
And out of curiosity, anyone keep in touch with Reco and his girl at the time- I think her name was Priscilla or something?