Staghelm Alliance Reconnections

Atrys is still playing? Geez… and Tereasa.
Tell them Gandal says “Hey”. Used to play with Nox back in a bit of TBC and WOTLK. I will probably give Classic a whirl. Since it was when I enjoyed the game most

Oakshalis night elf warrior - shadows of the eternal
I see hallheal and hallrox in here,where is masa from moonlight shadows, lochlin,zagzag, pizzimp/other shadows of the eternal players at

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@mur much love :stuck_out_tongue:

Heaven’s Judgement and Attrition making their comebacks also? I would love to be able to gear some of your new recruits come BWL :slight_smile:

@rasputina I’ll hit up Tereasa and see what the deal is, I’m sure they will both be playing though and let you know/get you in contact with one of them


You probably don’t remember me because I didn’t run with you much. I know I ran in a few pugs you organized though. Let’s say you are certainly not forgettable.

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Been forever!

Lots of names from long ago

Atris Night Elf Warrior
Nox Incurro

Tereasa - Draenei Priest made in BC. Became my main from then to current.
Snowbuny - Human Mage during Vanilla/BC.

Stormwind Legion, Shadows of the Eternal, played with After Party for a bit but then they geared me enough for Nox Incurro! (just kidding Crifo).

Joined Nox Incurro during ICC and have been there ever since.

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^ this girl knows what’s up :slight_smile:

Please bring me one sandwich, three chicken wings and a pickle.

Aside from the fact I posted on an Alt - lmao.

Swiftbow, I remember you also, good to see the name again

Atrys - you dont need that sandwich :stuck_out_tongue: but what you do need… is one of 8 offtanks for the four horseman… get ready.

Hey ya Atyrs. Been a long time.

Gandal - NightElf Restoration Druid

Mmmm we can only hope those nerds stay in their dark caves this time around.

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And Tereasa… I remember you
I don’t think you were in Nox Incurro when I knew you tho.

Gandal- NightElf Restoration Druid

Raznos was my Tauran Druid. If you said “Gandal” in the Horde public… Anyone alliance saw it as: “Raznos”

sorry for the late reply, been super swamped with IRL stuff; Cynis#1595 is my btag

Shout outs to the many Alliance players that made Staghelm PvP fun. I still remember some of your names, 15 years after our server’s launch.

Honorable mentions:
Fresca, first Grand Marshal of Staghelm. Probably the first hunter I came across with skilled extensive use of macros. Such a skilled player.

Azn - hi thanks for two shotting me outside bear form.

Thera - I don’t know if Thera is still around but we had good times.

Legendsky - I can never be half the druid you are with those moonfires.

Shout out to people from Attrition & Heavens Judgement for good premade matches and some minor drama :slight_smile:



Awesome! We’ll have to reconnect once servers are up. I’m on Staghelm as well, but have been inactive since Sept. of 2018 according to my account information.