Staff of Jordan etc

What are everyone’s thoughts on items such as Staff of Jordan in season of discovery? As it stands right now, Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker from Kelris has the same amount of spellpower, and more stats, but requires 10 levels lower than Staff of Jordan.

Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker is much more accessible than Staff of Jordan because of its rarity, and just simply because you can target “farm” for the Rod.

Do you think items like Staff of Jordan should be buffed to be more in line in comparison, or do BoE epics like this just fall to the wayside and it is what it is? Thoughts?

10 ch

The new level 40 gear will be better than Pre Raid BiS old 60 gear. Does that answer your question. Some stuff will fall to the way side as collector items. The amount of power and new gear we will have is gonna be wild. I’m ready for legendaries.

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Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker is still the best weapon in the game for balance druid in p2, just watched it go to a hunter, hate having to keep running a level 25 raid at level 40, and never getting it because literally everybody (warriors/hunters included need it the rare chance that it drops), this game is toxic and is getting uninstalled

I’m wondering why people run BFD with group loot on. Start your own raid and run master loot, then let people who aren’t being trolls roll on it.