I thought I would ask here as I figure many of you are doing upgrades to your computers from time to time.
I purchased a ssd this week and arranged for my computer people to install and set up the ssd and clone across my hd to it. The told me with confidence that it was a relatively simple job to do and it was just the time involved with the cloning.
However it is 2 days now and I still dont have my pc back because of some issue with the ssd. To clarify -
All the stuff copied across fine. However when they tried to access it once installed, the got a blue screen.
they took out the ssd and tried it on another computer and it worked fine.
they tried another ssd with the stuff cloned on my pc and again got the blue screen.
both the ssds and my original hard drive work fine on another pc.
I am still waiting to hear back about the issue but I am curious as to whether anyone else has had a similar problem installing a new ssd?
(I note my pc was build done around 3 years ago, so all parts were new at that time and it has worked fine since that time,.)
Ps: ok it appears it was a BIOS issue. I am hopefully getting it back today and we will see if everything works ok as they have said. fingers xād.