SSD? Do we have to upgrade or computers every xpac now?

Thats not true. I upgraded recently. My old rig ran wow just fine a step below ultra and the MB did not support SSD. I upgraded it. Wasn’t an issue for me.

They have external SSD would those work?

You can’t get a motherboard that supports an i5-3000 or amd bulldozer that doesn’t have SATA ports… like what?

But if your motherboard doesn’t have sata and is still using IDE (vomit) you’re not going to have USB 3/c that would really support external SSD

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In the extra time spent on loading screens with an HDD you will spend waiting, you could have used that time to work and buy multiple SSDs.

It’s 2020, wake up people.


I wish you guys didn’t. These whiners really are holding you, the development team, back.

Flush out all these toasters and do your best to make the game look great. Nobody should expect to play on stuff from 2010 and have a good experience; that’s just unreasonable.

Please make the next expansion require double the current minimums.

…how many gaming PC’s these days are using IDE? I mean, come on…

Tbf, they wouldn’t have needed one in the first place, notice how they put the disclaimer:

That would have been the case whether they amended the “minimum requirements” or not.

They can’t actually STOP people from using HDD, it can just become unbearably slow

I’m aware, but designing games around HDD loading times in a seamless world like WoW hamstrings graphical development.

I mean, they haven’t for years, since legion anyway, on HDD loading times are horrendous.

Also please add in ways for me to nuke it since I don’t care about graphics :slight_smile:

Then they should leave it. Don’t placate the whiners.

The move to SSD’s on the new consoles is a huge step for game development and asset loading for seamless play. I don’t see why the developers can’t expect us to be on decade-old technology.

Yes, it’s 2020, where IRL we’re in a global pandemic, a lot of people are out of work, and given the choice between spending $ on computer upgrades (in addition to $ for the expansion and $ for monthly fees) or finding a cheaper hobby than WoW… some people would probably quit WoW over it, and I don’t really think Blizzard wants that. WoW has never been a game that’s meant to justify your expensive PC purchase, and that’s okay; letting people upgrade when they have the $ to spend is generally a better plan, and especially when a lot of people are spending their $ very carefully.


We are absolutely not talking $1500 RTX 3090’s here.

We’re talking a $50 SSD. If it’s just an add-on for WoW, you can get a 240GB SSD for like, $20. It is a non-issue and arguing the point is silly.

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If you can’t drop 28 bucks on an SSD maybe it IS time to give up on a game that costs 15 bucks a month, i’m sorry, it’s hard on those people, but it’s the truth.


I don’t think people were crying per say, but more concerned about the wording of the requirement since when companies say. min requirement, people assume that they need that spec in order to at least run the game and when people see that they need SSD min requirement when they don’t have it. concerns about it appear like this thread did. I am glad they updated it to at least say normal HDD is also part of the min requirement. Blizzard just needed better wording on this.



I’m sorry if you can’t scrounge up the $29.99 it costs for a 240GB SSD you can’t afford the WoW sub or the expansion either.

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I know how the OP feels. It really pisses me off when I can’t get new albums on cassette tape anymore.


What’s funny is… you can get a lot of them on records >.>

I really hate every time somebody blames everything on the “global pandemic.” If you’re out of work, you’re probably getting unemployment. If you can’t afford the extra $20-$50 for an SSD from Amazon and can’t be arsed with learning how to open your computer and put it in so you can fit an already 60+gb game on your computer, then your covid unemployment and stimulus check probably shouldn’t be going to an online game anyway.

Seriously, everything is blamed on COVID now. I had an Apple tech support chat lady leave me hanging for literally eight hours (I forgot about her too that’s how long she took.) When I finally called her out on it, she didn’t apologize, but just explained that their systems are slowed down due to COVID.

Computers and phones can catch coronavirus now.

Anyway, back on topic, any self-respecting computer user has an SSD by now. Hard drives are slow, noisy, unreliable and they break every few years, taking all of your data with you. Make sure you can afford a backup drive! I would recommend a GOD DAMNED SSD.


Regardless of how old WoW is, an SSD is one of the best upgrades you can get for your PC. I’ve had WoW on an SSD for so long now that I can’t imagine the loading times on a regular hard drive.