SSC has an attunement now?

As it turns out, I was in Chromie Time.

The thing is, I know beyond doubt that I didn’t CHOOSE to be in Chromie Time. I know what it is. I know how to set it. I know I don’t want it. I know I didn’t set it that way.

What I DO a lot of, is Party Synch. So is it possible I Party Synch’d with someone in Chromie Time and it “stuck” to me? I’m sure I’ll be told “that’s not how it works”, but I lean more toward that small bug that trying to convince myself:

I went to an area of Org I NEVER go to (VoS).

I then talked to an NPC I DON’T want to talk to.

I made a choice I know I DON’T want to make.

I then further chose an area to ‘chromie time’ in, which I DON’T WANT TO DO.

We found the problem and resolved it. Leaving it there. Thanks all.

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Just checking your map will tell you.