It started off really well at the start of phase 2 but recently it has gone dead. Why arent ppl doing this? Is it just an efficiency thing with Hk?
You need a big zerg to get good honor, but you need to not be in the main/big raid to get great honor.
Because noone is in the main raid anymore for the above reason it just died.
Therefore the people that are min maxing honor ruined southshore, it was nice while it lasted.
Thought so.
I really miss it already.
this server never had a population large enough for tm vs ss to be any good and people joining mass 40 man raids realised that joining raids is garbage honor in the first place and don’t realise you can still go there solo
First few days of p2 was pretty wild. Mulitple 40 raids on both sides.
People realized it’s more efficient to roam around in smaller groups. The honor gets split less than in massive raids. There’s also zero strategic significance to SS/TM. There’s no dungeon and nothing to farm. It’s a flyover state.
it’s more efficient to roam around in smaller groups
Tell that to the chimps in BRM
Theres an element of rpg and/or competitiveness to killing the other faction and holding an important instance location like brm. I dont blame em for that. It does suck for us tho, i personally dont go overthere anymore coz i dont have time taking 30 mins to just get intp brm from a fp and thats not conting the time taken to form a grp. Im hoping it improves a bit phase 2.5 but on the negayive side wpvp will pbbly go down the toilet.
since you can queue for AV near Hillsbrad you’ll likely see some skirmished around that area in thea near future, as for the long term hillsbrad probably dead for our server unless dedicated zergers for both sides go there regularly.
Inreresting enough its alive and well on remulos