SS turned PvP into M+ for DPS

There is no skill set for DPS in PvP anymore.

There is pop CDs and pump like it’s a M+.

No arena awareness, no peeling, no kiting, no stopping CC.

The amount of times DPS charge into enemy teams and die behind a pilar is scary. Legit scary. It isn’t just warriors either.

Anyway my sub is up soon no longer my problem enjoy your PvP+ dungeons!


Well if you do as you say (not stating you are wrong) you get the “our dps is low” phrase. Many do not understand "meaningful " dps vs actual dps.

You have those players out there (shrug).

Yeah, that’s true.

The majority of shuffle games that i play, people don’t even try to get cc and do a setup, they just stun target and pve. There’s no outplay, there’s only damage and cd trade.

Who has better class or who traded better wins.


Which has led to healing feeling less and less enjoyable. You aren’t really able to make an impact on the PvP match anymore because it’s not PvP.

That and you have to rely on your ret pala to press bubble while you are stuck in a fear they aren’t BoS’ing you out of. It’s a problem I don’t see the game fixing.

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I feel that game has too much panic buttons too, every class should have a defensive but not 3-4 different ones. honestly they should slow down the game a bit, remove some defensives and buff cc (except clone, give druids another habillity or make dispellable).

Only by doing this, the game would be alot more enjoyable, would incentivize some pvp players to come back and please make a decent glad mount not this uglyass bat.


:dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:
and that is why all of them are hardstuck 2k

As an rdruid I don’t think we need more cc, I just want to be able to have hots actually do their job so I can play in my forms rather than being a regrowth tree of life bot because damage is so high that hots don’t heal.

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“Its always the dps fault that I lost” the post.

I think that most people play this way up until around 2400. However,

People DO do these things and those that do tend to climb

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ahh spoken like a true ret pala that doesn’t bubble or get their healer out of stuns/fears. Enjoy your game!

More like every single healer always blames others instead of looking at their own gameplay.


Oh I’m sorry I forgot the game was experiencing a DPS shortage and that healers sit hour+ long queues.

Any healer will tell you how awful healing SS is, and DPS like yourself just make the problem worse.

Healers work harder for less reward, and to provide less of an impact on the result. Enjoy yourself.

There is no higher tier player.

Being a healer doesnt make u special
You are one of the many.

Idc id theres a healer shortage, I wont treat you or your kind any different. Deal with it.

“Then Ill stop queuing rss!” Do it. Idc

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You actually seem like a GREAT example of what I am talking about.

Not even 2k arena achieves, but 2400 in SS.

Too funny. Way too funny. Can’t make this ish up but you are proving my point so well.

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I dont even know what this is supposed to show. That I dont play arena? Damn dude you got me is not like, Ive said it a thousand times.

Anyways, point stands.

Dps literally win or lose the game,

Healers make a big difference yeah.

But you could be the most amazing healer in the world but if your dps cant kill anything you aren’t going to win a single match.

Yes you can contribute to dpsing but again killing a player wins matches. Not preventing players from dying.

Yeah its a paradox but its the truth.


The same can be said about healers getting absolutely outclassed by the opponent and going 0-6. Id argue, its a bigger landslide than a dps going 0-6.

Everyome has impact. If you as a healer are losing to the “dps that doesnt cc and doesnt press block” what does it say about you or your oartners?

Its always the ssme “urrr they play lie trash with ME but against me they are great idk why” says the guy while losing. Gee I wonder whos the common piece in the puzzle.


2 completely different things happen if you are a decent healer or straight up bad.

If you are a “bad” healer you will flop like 30 seconds into the game. Dps is so fast that you could easily go through your cds within the first minute. This is a sign of a “bad” healer. After 1 minute you have no cds, the next go you are done. Or worse let a teammate die if you dont use them. That is completely different scenario if you are a good healer.

But if you are a good healer? What ends up happening is that the game goes on until dampening where your heals aren’t going to make a difference anymore. So what do you rely on? The dps damage. And same for the other healer, if heals are 50% reduced and dps is the same 100% that means dps makes a BIGGER difference than any amount of healings or cds you use.

Being a good healer allows you to continue the game, but it doesn’t make you win the game it only prevents you from losing the game too quickly.

You should try rolling over to hpal for a bit and you will get what OP is talking about. I mainly play ret, but after trying out hpal I have a newfound appreciation for healers in SS.

I mean… not every game specially in rss is scripted. Yea games last longer the higher you go but its due to multiple factors.

I keep reading the same excuses “dps didnt press block, paladin didnt sanc” but I dont ever read “damn I got kicked on my ultimate pennance” or “damn I got JUKED on my windshear and allowed the resto to fully clone me” or “I was very late on my link”. Never not a single healer will ever say they failed. Its always them implying their gameplay was perfect and that id one of the issues. No accountability. Everyone makes mistakes but its only the “moron dps” not doing their job.

Since rss came to the game there have been many games won or lost in a single interactio. And many of those are healers messing up or making insane plays.

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