SS match randomly ending

Resulting in Deserter status… Me and a Hunter had this happen to us in a SS match. I was on my way to a decent set of games when the match out of nowhere just ended at 4/1. Not only did I not get anything for it, I got Deserter… The hunter whispered me a few seconds after I reappeared in the Emerald Dream camp asking if I got dc’d and deserter too.

Has this happened to anyone else? This was a first for me. Hopefully this isn’t going to be a new thing. It’s not like the odds aren’t already stacked against you as a healer already. Sure as heck don’t need any additional hurdles.

Happened to a bunch of people. Please be patient. Small indie company


Has happened to me a few times. Couple times resulting in the 150 CR loss. Had one case where it just went straight to the loading screen. Mid match, no end match screen. Just CR loss and lots of confusion.

Fun times. :slight_smile:

I had a loading screen of death and lost 150 rating for no reason earlier lol

Happened to me 5 times today.

Oh wait I left em on purpose.

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