Srsly Blizz? DH tank PTR notes

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:

Are DH really that OP? Man, to me that’s a HUGE nerf

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Consider the how many i feel used meta for magical damage tank busters yeah this is a massive nerf as usually you popped meta just so you had the 40% increased life or if you didnt have meta you used fell deave to get the 40% increase just to survive the magic hit

You still do? But instead of

You’re at 1MM HP out of 2MM HP, Meta makes you 1.8MM out of 2.8MM
Youre at 1MM hp out of 2MM HP, meta makes your max HP 2.8MM and youre healed 800k

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It not how its worded. Reread the patch notes it heals for 40% instead of altering our health by the 40% or atleast that is how it is reading. So they no longer making it a proactive but instead a retro for magic damage instead it still can be used for a proactive for physical damage by the way the part says the following [quote=“Linxy, post:1, topic:1945843, username:Linxy”]
Metamorphosis now heals you for 40% of your maximum health instead of modifying your health directly.

Keywords here is instead of modifying

unless they are just adding the healing on meta thought it would seem like a huge nerf with things like demonic. which means they need to do better at wording the patch notes

Instead of just “setting” the health, it’s healing. Which means if you meta with a MS on you, you don’t get as much health. Your max HP still goes up.

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This mostly does nothing except cleaning up logs and possibly spaghetti code that caused the healing to differ or not work sometimes. There is however one change I find confusingly pointless:

If you have Demon Form active, activating Metamorphosis doesn’t heal you, but Last Resort does… Is the expectation from the Dev team is for people to macro Metamorphosis with a preceding cancelaura for us to get the healing? Because that’s how we will have to circumvent this change.

It would be simpler (especially for casual players) if both Metamorphosis and Last Resort activated the healing, making only Demonic exempt from the heal.

There is enough problems with Metamorphosis being both defensive and offensive CD (for Fel-Scared, same issue that BDK had for San’layn Vampiric Blood, now being patched), this just tosses another obstacle under Vengeance’s feet to deal with.