Sr ms/os > gdkp

Male elf, just because you type in all caps doesn’t make your nonsensical points any more logical.

Please try to think through the entire supply chain of goods and gold before making random claims.

It was already stated why your yapping is a misgnomer of the highest regard.

All one needs do is look up green/blue posts on the subject.

I dont care, youre wrong look it up

Feel welcome to share the post - I read the blue and they said there is a link.

If you asked them if theres a link between AH and RMT they would also say yes if they use the same metric.

Community manager isn’t an economist. They are just doing retail decisions on a retail-gamemode.

Think of the implications and the sytems involved, it may be an enjoyable activity.

Yet another reply without actually addressing any point raised.

What do you disagree with in my post about SR runs?

Just do SR +1. If you’ve already gotten MS items, you dont get to roll against the geared player who SRd and hasn’t gotten anything.

My guild does SRx2 runs and it’s beautiful.

Very fun and keeps everybody happy. I’ve got a ton of gear this way and seen a lot of people get the gear they want and it’s always an enjoyable run.

Got my first orange parse tonight too, so now I can really spit on the grey parsing slobs.

Sorry not your teacher, do your own homework

That you think you exp is defacto.

Its not.

For some things, sure, for other things you’re just being absurd if you try to argue.

Rogues and Warriors can both use the epic xbow, should they be able to take it from a Hunter?

Hunters can use the epic sword, should they be able to take it from a warrior?

Should Warriors, Paladins and (next phase) Shamans be allowed to take the clear feral mace from ferals as a temporary upgrade?

Don’t try explaining it to them. The reddit script says they aren’t allowed to use common sense.

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I did a SR +2 on my rogue last night, 3 people reserved the Talwar, I mean like, bruh :man_shrugging:t3: