"Spy Versus Spy" Quest Bug

The quest “Spy Versus Spy” requires you to fulfill the objective " “Spy on Warfang Hold” Started" by going to your mission table and initiating the follower mission.

The mission is not among the list of available missions on the mission table. Relogging, abandoning and re-accepting the quest, and a combination of the two still doesn’t produce the available follower mission.

I won’t be able to progress through the War Campaign until this is resolved.

Same with me, I keep sending out missions hooping it pops up but it’s been 3 days

Neat. Having the same issue.

Same here. This toon server and faction changed. I can accept the quest but does not show on the mission table. Anyone, here get it to work yet?

Also have the same issue

Same here on my mage that did a faction change

Same here. Recently did faction change

bug still there

Wanted to reply again. I did open a ticket and the game master suggested waiting for the quest to cycle through. It has not cycled through as of yet, 3 days. On the other 3 characters I have done this quest, the mission table mission always immediately shows. As of now, I still cannot progress on the war campaign.