Sprint Animation for Dracthyr

Obviously not terribly important, but dracthyr rogues look rather silly when they sprint, as it’s limited to their base running animation just moving at mach speeds. A gait difference would be appreciated by those who care about visuals.


Considered making a thread about this till I saw this one. Bumping to cast my vote for dracthyr dragon form sprint animation.

It’s silly generally for any race not to have animation parity for all round animations like this, and it looks silly when a race doesn’t.


It’s actually quite hilarious. The only way to make it even better is if they’d run while T-posing the whole time.

A dedicated sprinting animation would be nice. Whenever my drac gets a speed boost it looks really goofy.

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Rather than sprint, Dracthyr should fly fast close to the ground!

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I like that idea a lot, actually. I’m not sure how easy it would be to implement though.

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Honestly even Hover animation could work, anything but what we have now.

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