Spriest pvp survivability

So this weekend i decided to try out some bgs since really not much to do in the game right now. I mostly played ele shaman, which honestly wrecks and does insane amounts of damage. i went into bgs with just honor trinkets and my raid gear (admittedly im almost full 525 gear) and i was doing alot of damage. Also felt tankier with burrow and the new stone bulwark totem is honestly great.

Then i decided to try out bgs on the spriest… ouch… The damage felt so much worse, sure my gear isnt as good on that toon but… outside of dispersion, it feels like shadow is made of paper. desperate prayer does nothing, PW:shield is like 7% of my health if that… most melee have an answer to fear. If dispersion is down and Psychic horror is down i can do nothing… just a limp noodle…

rant over


Congratulations you have learned that Shadow has the worst defensive toolkit in the game. You’ll be fine if the team works to help keep you alive but on your own, you are made of paper.


One of the many reasons I’ll be shelving my priest, no aoe on demand, useless talents with no synergy like Shadowy Apparition and the lack of any basic utility that any class should have in modern WoW. It’s Windwalker Monk and Elemental Shaman for me from now on.

Just cast a flash heal while you’re kicked for that juicy 10% damage reduction bro

Seriously though, for all my complaints of shadow priest, survivability isn’t one of them. Vampiric embrace, desperate prayer, that orange thing on the bottom left of the class tree, flash heals for 10%, shields, fade, silence, stun and fear. That’s more than enough to keep you alive while you’re kiting to a healer.

Everything dies with 3 enemies on them.

Edit: duh, and dispersion