SPriest or Ele Shaman Vulpera?

Trying to decide what to use my level 60 boost on this exp. I have a high level variant of ever class except priest and shaman so figured id give them a go this time. Wanting to go Vulpera. Would you recommend Shadow or Ele more? I am someone who likes to do all types of content, but my favorite is pvp.

Oof, uh i guess Elemental. Everyone seems to hate Shadow right now.

Ele shaman feels more thematic for vulpera to me. If that counts for anything. Otherwise, who’s to say? Follow your heart.

any idea what the reason is they are hated right now?

Based purely on aesthetics I’d say elemental. The shaman animations look good on vulpera and they have very cool totems.

Not everyone hates Shadow at the moment. It’s just that people that hate something tend to be more vocal than the people that like something.

They made the ghosts invisible

Read this thread:

Should we dismiss all criticism on this one comment? Isn’t that what you’re arguing against?

I’m unsure as to what point you’re trying to make. Could you elaborate?

i’m probably gonna play mine casually this expac, but…

1.bloated priority list for rotation, 2 filler spells, mindgames which in pve is basically just another button to press, and like 4 procs to watch
2. a burst spell that doesn’t interact with our dots,
3. no aoe generator, only spenders,
4. our biggest “cool” moment that we got to show players of other specs has been removed with apparitions no longer showing in parties
5. mind spike has no animation even though it did back in MoP
6. non interactive, barely noticable capstone talents

it just feels very messy, cobbled together, and lacking care, and that apparently is due to the class designer being fired/leaving mid dragonflight and them just tossing stuff together to make a semi functional spec in time for launch


Shaman since you have Enhance to fall back on if you don’t like Ele.

You already play a Monk so learning Enhance won’t be too difficult for you.

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I need a Priest on the Horde side. A Vulpera Holy Priest is perfect.

Did you know that Holy Priests produce more damage, with less spells used, than a Shadow Priest? They are darn good healers as well.

As someone who’s played Shaman since classic and elemental in Shadowlands, I’m biased towards Elemental Shaman. Shaman class talents are also mega busted right now.

Since Warlords my Priest has basically taken the backseat in terms of what classes I play most of. Nowadays they are mainly used for healing. Shadow is a former shell of what it once was.

Shaman on the other hand just gets better each expansion and I’m really digging the changes for DF. That being said a Vulpera Shaman is a good choice. Plus their totems just look so good.

Could always just create one of each and mess around for a few to see which one feels right to you.

shaman, mostly for the fox totems.


Even with all that I think it’s infinitely better than the shadowlands iteration.

Not to say they’re done, but at least it feels “viable” now.

Shaman is very well designed in DF. Priest, less so.

I think viability is better, but design is not for me personally, my only real hangups with the Slands one was a lack of true interactivity with our covenant abilities and Searing nightmare being awful to use in aoe generation

my single target rotation now feels like the shadowlands one with a bunch of garbage stapled on that doesn’t interact meaningfully with the rest of my kit :frowning:

I have to say Shaman mostly because of the adorable fox totems

Shaman vulpera so cute

In my completely unbiased opinion, this is no contest. Priest by a mile.