Spriest LF new home!

I had to quit 3 months ago for unfortunate reasons, but now I’ve returned and am looking for a guild that I can jump into for the later part of BFA and into Shadowlands. I’ve been raiding since BC and have been Shadow since WotLK. I’m currently only 442 ilvl so I’m kind of undergeared (like I said, I had to take 3 months off) but now I’m back and am ready to get back into the raiding scene.

Would prefer a guild that is active beyond just on raid day, as I am a social person and enjoy doing Mythic+'s and Assault groups for quests as well.

Battle Tag is; Envy#12462

Feel free to add me if you want to ask anymore questions :slight_smile:

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Hey I sent you a bnet request, we would love to talk with you. Currently we are in search of a few rdps to round out the roster.

Stormrage Alliance

9-11pm eastern tues / thurs

3/12 mythic currently after about a month as a guild together.


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Hey! I am definitely interested in chatting with you about our guild. We are in the building phase as we are a newish guild, but we are full of lots of similar people such as yourself. Myself for example took a lengthy break before transferring to Stormrage and starting this guild! Ill add you and hopefully will chat soon!

Look forward to hearing from you

Hey, what’s up. I’m glad you decided to come back and hopefully have settled the unfortunate issues you’ve dealt with. You have previous experiences with raiding and it seems like adding you would be a great fit, we’re currently looking for ranged DPS and if you’re still looking for a guild, I just added you. Cristian#14424

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Nerrrrrd <3


< Nerds With Attitude > We’re a New Guild With experiennced AOTC players looking to fill our raid team


[The Scarlet Renegades] is recruiting 1 tank, 2 melee dps and 2 ranged dps. We are 2/12 mythic looking to push some mythic bosses. We raid Wed/Thrus from 730-1030 pm est. We are a fun group of people that still value progression. We also run ton of Mythic plus.

If you have any questions pst me here or in game @ planetexpres#11600, or in discord @ John Sullee#4435

Hi Healsforhire, “Shadow Hunters” Green team is currently doing Normal Nya’lotha and has been LF some more dps. They meet Sat./Sun. 7pm-10 pm (EST). Must have Discord w/ a working mic or headset. Besides raiding, our guildies do anything they want to: run keys, some pvp, old content runs for transmogs and achieves, cloak upgrade runs and masks, etc. We are also planning on forming some new raid teams when Shadowlands arrives. Our guild has been around since Vanilla, and has friendly, helpful members. If you want any more info. or have an interest in us, just contact Laruin in-game. (My alts: Aznaa, Janellewitch, Robinsmeow, Bixbite).

Greetings Healsforhire!

We are currently looking to recruit members for adventures in Shadowlands! We are an AOTC / Mythic Progression guild but we also welcome casual’s and social members. While we have & know what it takes to take on Mythic Progression, we also know how to have fun in the process so it does not feel like wow is your second or third job.

We raid Tuesday & Wednesday 9-12 EST. We will also be raiding on Friday & Saturday pending the number of members we have. We usually fill up to the point where we have an ALT Raid on the weekends ( which is optional ). If you are looking to be apart of a great community with amazing members be sure to look up .

We would love to have you on the team!

Feel free to reach out to anyone in the guild and ask for an Officer or add us on battle.net.