Spriest double dots = kill you from full HP while eating lvl 45 food with Dampen Magic on

People don’t like being insta-gibbed so SW:D needed to be nerfed but they didn’t want to lower SPs overall damage?

Is there no other way to buff SPs damage?
For classes that can’t heal themselves dots may aswell be instant nukes unless you spend 3 gold per restorative potion given how bad food currently is. Also why is nobody commenting on my proposition to introduce much better food? This would help at least.

I agree SP is stupid but maybe these will help. I mean we can all agree that we kill the SP easily, they just kill you afterwards right? I don’t see anyone mentioning this food.

See above.

It would be good if it did restore the same amount over 15s. But for food that requires a flask of mojo it doesn’t seem worth the cost (you will still die if you are low health). Trop remedy+45 food is more efficient. Restorative potion is much better overall.
And dying is the only cheap option.

It helps if you read patch notes. They usually contain some details on their reasoning.

Shadow pots are quite cheap at the moment and you can pre-pot them.

Probably because your suggestion is that food should be the counter to dots which is not really what the purpose of food is. The purpose of food is assisting in downtime between killing enemies in the open world. The efficacy of food is generally based on health values as opposed to incoming enemy damage.

That said, I wouldn’t be against some better food for BGs since you have a 30% buff there and eating after a fight takes longer to get back to normal there.

I fully agree with this. Which is also ironically why I do think spriest is over powered, tab dotting and rotting an entire team will be infinitely stronger than kitable ccable burst classes. Source, the past decade of RBGs of going over 2k the increasing prevalence of annoying rot comps stacked with spriests locks boomies and uhdks spamming chains of ice.

Sadly spriest is garbage in PvE, maybe they should but there powerful abilities behind gasp dare I say a cast bar?! Those have actual counters lmao.

Not buying stuff to win PvP in the world. Enchants are expensive enough :sweat:

You should get at minimum 3 flasks per person for clearing ST, so 2 flasks and one stack of food for free. What is trop remedy?

Dot and rot is a powerful and popular style of gameplay for PVP and has been since WOTLK arenas, and it popular because of its impressive potential against heavy healer comps and the pressure it provides.

It also has some of the most direct counterplay and the most obvious weaknesses, and generally has the least flexibility of those types of comps.

And historically spriest hasn’t been the source of the damage for those comps, but the cc and utility, both of which are missing from the SoD version. It’s why you really could only run it with aff lock, shadow cleave was more fun and definitely weaker for sure.

Sorry it’s actually jungle remedy in english, my bad.

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If you use a restorative potion, the dots go away. If you use a shaman/priest/paladin you can dispel the dots too

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Seeet those are cheap I’ll give it a try. Didn’t know about those, thanks!

Take off the irrdiated gear from gnomeregan then, mate. A shadowpriest that is fully world buffed and consumed will do 3.6k for those two abilities combined. So I dont believe you’re dying through food unless you just have no health.

Def died to food before I switched to the durian. Takes a second for combat to end. Sometimes more seconds than it should ^^

A lot of people have quit and a lot more will if they keep this up.

Bowzo alt detected, but if you are dying to only spriest dots you are horribly undergeared.

Counterpoint, there is tons of shadow resist available on the gear we’ve gotten in raids. My main sits in at 95 shadow resist while questing/farming. You can also carry shadow protection pots and other counters directly against shadow. Since Shadow Priests rely heavily on one school, unlike Mages and Warlocks, they are very easy to counter.

You’re wild. My balance druid has 3.3k health and goes from 100-0 with just two dots. 20% after spriest dies, regrowth + rejuv + r4 healing touch gets me to ~40-45%, cast max rank healing touch and I’m already at 20% before the cast gets off. In bg’s, two spriests means death for whomever gets hit with no cleanse.