This requires 3 spores to make and you most often only get 3 spores back so for a 12 hour cooldown you are losing because it also requires meat. Can you please fix this. I believe it should take 1 spore and give back three or more.
The lures give back 3-5 of whatever rare material you put into them. It also takes significantly less than 12 hours to use another if you’re skinning other mobs in between.
yes and that is wrong because you are operating at a loss if you only get 3 or even 4 which is normally what you get. You waste KP taking those nodes and with a cooldown they should be worthwhile.
The last node only requires one for the bait which all of them should be like that.
You get back at least what you put in, and very often get back more. So it’s not “operating at a loss”.
And, once again, the cooldown is massively reduced by skinning other mobs in between.
It takes 3 meat as well and that meat I have sold for 7g each numerous times.
Why are you arguing against them fixing a bizarre situation that makes no sense. I don’t spend hours skinning so that cooldown is never significantly less for me.
The meat that you get even more of thanks to skinning.
The situation is fine. You’re just expecting to be showered in rare materials for skinning one mob a day.
so either you are a 4 x 2 farmer of these or some have some other means of farming them and don’t want the price to go down because your arguments make no sense. Oh great use 21g and 90g to create one item so that you can make 90g every 6 plus hours but don’t count the 21g because you can farm it so it is worthless…crazy
And we will totally ignore the first 2 nodes because they are just as bad if not worst.
You can use them way more frequently than every 6 hours, even without a 4x2 farm.
So how do you balance that out? You who apparently only wants to skin once or twice a day versus someone who can pop the lure every hour, or even less?
I mean, herbing gets them much quicker.
I don’t think that skinning was meant to be the primary source of the things.
Then they should remove that branch of the tree entirely and not let people waste KPs on it
They balance it out to require one spore not three. The last node in that branch only requires one writhing sample and operates in the same way. Why would anyone use the spore one when the writhing is so much better.
I don’t sell these but I also don’t like having to buy the spores when I have 3 skinners and they should be able to produce enough for my own needs but they can’t because blizzard messed up the first half of this branch.
The lures are a way to turn meat (a common mat) into rarer mats, so yes, you are spending meat to make the exchange,
But I’m not personally in any danger of running out of meat.
How many writhing samples do you get from skinning the lured mob?
I’m not personally short on writhing samples, but I seem to be consuming all the spores I can find.
( of course, it’s possible that will change by the time I get around to fully unlocking lures )
same number 3 or maybe more the odd time. I have never got 5 of any of those. 80% of the time I get 3.
Consider this if you think skinners are going to make too much gold. If I spent an hour flying around farming dirt piles I could easily make 2 to 5k for no investment whatsoever. I could do a world quest in 5 minutes and make 600g. Expecting people not to lose gold on nodes that cost talent points AND have a CD shouldn’t be a big ask.