(Spoilers)Can we retcon Zovaal yet?

Kill him with ret paladins.

The virgin zovaal vs the chad arthas.


A fellow role player told me last night…

Their character is the daughter of Sylvanas. I said okay. Then I said wait who’s the father?

They said Arthas.

Well… :poop:. /10char

The problem with Zovaal is that he’s obviously supposed to be a foil for Sylvanas to make her look like a good person, the problem is it doesn’t work.

Zovaal is supposed to be deceptive, strategic, and manipulative. What did we get? A villain who literally has his entire Maw army in plain sight whom Sylvanas could not POSSIBLY mistake for a good or benevolent person yet we’re supposed to believe she and the Forsworn were somehow swayed he would make a better reality for them and everyone else (while they simultaneously killed everyone else).

The only way to possibly fix this is: Have Sylvanas and Zovaal be lying this entire time. Simple enough right?

:rofl: Well, you’re shackled to Arthas now… at least they didn’t say Anduin…


Well i mean thats like 90% of stories? People tend to not like to witness or write stories where the badguys win.

Pinar really. We accept medicority because thats the way it is. Is a stupid reason.

So many people taking this line and assuming that he’s claiming responsibility for a whole bunch of things that he just actually isn’t.

No, Zovaal wasn’t responsible for the corruption of Sargeras,
Or the creation of the Burning Legion,
Or the creation of the Lich King,
Or the death of Argus the Unmaker, etc.

His lines simply state that he’s ‘waited a long time’ which he has, and that he has planned out events and moved pawns around the board, in respect to the current Shadowlands narrative, which does have a LOT of pawns and events that had to be carried out. He’s not referring to anything else.


We gonna ignore what he actually said to fit my narrative. Honestly weak troll attempt even by your standards you can do better.


Try reading the lore.

The Dreadlords provided the helm, sword and armor, to suit their own ends, it was Kil’jaeden who ripped Ner’zhul apart and transferred his soul into the helm, it was Kil’jaeden that came up with the idea of unleashing a scourge of undeath to pave the way for the Legion.

Come on do better i know you can very well then. The lore has been retcon so many times that there is no consistency. It stated zovaal created lich king helm from primus. And quote “helm fit for KING of the damn” nice trolling couldve been better. At least you arent one of those trolls that denys being a troll.




to retcon.

We’re literally in this mess because of retcon nonsense. Because The Snoozer would rather spend the majority of the expansion trying to retcon his beloved back into a hero than telling a complete story. He’d rather spend his time retconning than actually establish the villain of the expansion we’re in.

Move forward. Shadowlands has happened. Let’s just move forward and not look back.


I already covered the retcons.

The Dreadlords provided the helm, sword and armor. This is canon. The Dreadlords provided these items, giving them to Kil’jaeden to serve as a vessel for the creature he wanted to create, which was the Lich King.

When Ner’zhul attempted to escape Draenor, he was immediately apprehended by the demon lord Kil’jaeden. Kil’jaeden tore the old shaman’s body apart, but kept his spirit intact and aware. Ner’zhul begged for death, but Kil’jaeden said he still had a purpose to serve. He offered Ner’zhul one last chance to serve the Burning Legion or face eternal torment. When the orc recklessly agreed, Kil’jaeden encased his spirit in a block of diamond-hard ice from the distant reaches of the Twisting Nether. Encased within the frozen cask and warped by the demon lord’s chaotic powers, Ner’zhul felt his consciousness expand ten thousand-fold and he became a spectral being of unfathomable power: the Lich King.

Notice how at no point in the lore is it mentioned that the Dreadlords created the Lich King? Or that he was created to serve the Jailer’s purpose? That’s because they didn’t create him, and he wasn’t created for that purpose.

What the Jailer wanted, was a mortal champion to serve as his herald. So he had Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination crafted so that they could eventually be used to create that champion. But it was Kil’jaeden that decided to fuse Ner’zhul’s spirit within the helm to create the Lich King, a telepathic being able to command legions of undead with his mind. And it was that act which ultimately foiled the Jailer’s plans, because Ner’zhul’s defiant nature, combined with the strength of will that Arthas had, allowed him to resist the domination effects that would have turned the Lich King into the Jailer’s champion.

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Look guys, I get that the jailer is a lousy bad guy. I get it. And a lot of you are not happy with the current lore. But this dream thing that has been going around is not the answer.


It may not be THE answer, but it would be a way just to put SL lore behind us and pretend like it never happened.

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It would also mean the last two years were a waste and there has been zero actual story progression in that time.

They keep trying to make Zovaal happen. Stop! It’s not going to happen!

Your big bad was a flop. I wouldn’t even be mad if they pulled a “it was all a dream!” to do away with this mess.

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Why would we do that though? Like everyone here constantly talks about how retcons = bad so how the heck is retconning a whole expansion at minimum somehow even on the table as a good idea when the main reason people rage about it is due to “retcons”


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see the Jailer as some super smart villain that had a thousand year long scheme. I see him as a clever opportunist. There’s a big difference. There are plenty of times his plans failed, we’re just experiencing the first time it actually worked.


Yes and yes. I see no downside.