*Spoilers* Your writing is so terrible Blizzard

Y’all act like WoW’s story was actually well written at some point… lol


Form your own opinions! It doesn’t matter what some streamer or others think of the story, it’s very subjective.

If you like it then enjoy it. If you don’t like it then…well deal with it. Can’t please everyone. :woman_shrugging:

Personally I’ve enjoyed SL story and have nothing major against it. It’s fine to me. WoW’s storytelling really is not that different from usual. It’s never been remotely perfect in any era, but it’s still moderately entertaining.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Cheesy schlock can be entertaining, but the schlock we’re currently getting isn’t entertaining at all. It’s just terrible.


But at least it was cool.

Zovaal is lame, and that’s why we all notice how bad the the lore is.


Yeah I’m not expecting Pulitzer quality writing, I just want something entertaining.


I still say the Jailer would have been fine if he was never actually shown. Keep the voice actor, but the pop-up boxes should have just been a pair of blue eyes hidden in a room of black smoke.

Just leave it at that, let peoples’ imaginations do the rest.

What you can’t see, is always scarier than what you do see. Horror Movie Directing 101.


Fair enough but well written and entertaining are not the same thing. That said, I agree this ex-pac is probably the worst so far.

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I’d like your comment but Daddy Blizzard thinks I’ve already spent too much of my likes allowance.


Stop being too friendly.

I’m a simple man, I see a comment I like, I give it a like :stuck_out_tongue:

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Best damn orc ever!


The writing is bad because blizzard asked good writers to write for the company and they said “I will never ‘serve.’”

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I would agree to an extent and say that about half the hate Zovaal gets is simply because of his bald head and bare feet. If the first time we saw him “for real” was during the final battle of 9.1 in his Domination gear and his big hammer, he’d probably be somewhat better received.

I still think some of us would think he’s a bit boring, but he’d at least be intimidating.


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Not to jump on the old bandwagon, but I really don’t consider myself that interested in the lore to begin with. and I agree it’s pretty bad

LOL I wouldn’t go that far. I didn’t like him in TBC through MoP. I thought he was an annoying meathead.

However, I can respect his brutal honestly. I like that quality. Usually.

He was what I always pictured an orc to be.
Alpha to a fault.
Take no prisoners.
Regret nothing.

When I ran into Thrall back in classic to say I was disappointed was a serious understatement. I was like who is this guy? He acts basically like a big green human would, this is no orc !


Garrosh was weak.

Dont besmirch orc jesus. He depowered for your sins.

And threw away his axe for our lulz


so weak, Thrall had to cheat to beat him.

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There was zero cheating involved.