BOATS! Look at the art team once again doing an outstanding job. Look at these great works of art. Just wanted to share to the people who don’t frequent wowhead.
Now… if we can get everything legit from the classic world into current models it would just be one step closer to a realistic option of having a toggle graphics option in classic wow realms…
Edit: second post also has link cause i wasn’t aware of a buggy issue while posting. Ty Azurrgos <3
Ty my man, i appreciate when someone can post links. My sharp tongue will never let me be rank 3 
Will we finally be getting in game yachts?

Art and music have consistently never failed to deliver. Well… maybe the guys who design class tier sets but that’s a challenge of its own. Hard to top those old Tier 3s imo.
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Only if you’re a trade prince named bobby.
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No you still can. It’s just wonky. I already been banned, had my flag post 10 times in a day 2 days ago lol. It’s just pictures you’ll struggle with since I can’t. Try to add the link after you post sometimes it gives an error.
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Actually, IMO Shadowlands was really mediocre in both the art and music department. Everything was just so generic.
I mean I did like the first raid tier sets, the anima power art and animations were awesome as well as the mounts, and convenant sets. The zones were pretty great too. The maw was really ugly and barren… but thats because thats what it is supposed to be.
I’m ready for a sea faring expansion.