*Spoilers* Tyrande's fate in Shadowlands reconfirms the writers' open hatred towards the Night Elves

do your research – you will know that it is actually true , Ardenwield storyline


I made a joke the other day that she will end up the Arbiter’s replacement. I meant it as a joke but I wouldn’t put it past Blizz to do just that.

Its been like 12 years of gameplay where my capital city is split in half, our main zone is under siege by the night elves and undead, and our other zone is completely overrun with undead. Not to mention our Prince was introduced as our savior then ended up betraying us.

Cry more you Kaldorei sissies.


You’re farming for outrage, frankly it’s obnoxious.

If you had even spent a minute more looking into this, you’d know the Tyrande stuff is apart of the Night Fae covenant campaign.

And that the scenarios datamined for the fate of The Night Warrior is you reliving the deaths of those two gay Night Elves everyone was freaking out over.

And this is all for Shandris to see what will happen and hopefully find a way to stop it.

But no, lets ride the outrage train. Blizzard hates Night Elf players, Blizzard personally disconnects Night Elf Players!

Guy’s did you know that Blizzard employees play pin darts with Night Elf pictures? Oh the elvmanity.


I just gave all of that a read and it seems our lack of being able to find Tyrande is down to her just going AWOL and it seeming her wanting to stay and find Sylvanas herself. Probably wrong but that is how I read into it. Maybe I missed something.


She is part of one of the shadowlands zones lol.

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Let’s not pretend there is a hint of narrative integrity at stake here. The writers are not expressing themselves through art, they are advising people who did not start the story to begin with.


unless writers pull something out of who knows…

it’s clear that she will die, not by anyone’s hand but her own power.

either we dont know enough yet or they are still thinking what to do…

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And yet you’re talking about it like it matters

Her story continues in ardenweald so she’s not freaking dead


Yea, and turns out that they meant telling us that the Night Warrior is a curse and she can’t be saved… great

She is not in Ardenweald at all. She is still in the maw at the time of those later lines.

The voice lines ARE from the Ardenweald campaign. Tyrande isn’t part of the Ardenweald questing experience.

The Night Fae campaign stuff is where we’re told that there’s no saving her.

The writers most certainly do.

See above.


Yes, it matters to the players is my point precisely. Blizzard doesn’t care at all.

Who cares. She’s a weak character and has always been a weak character. The fact she actually did anything in Legion and BFA is a shock to begin with.


“continues” :roll_eyes: are you sure you’re not confusing yourself with the night warrior questline from ardenweald to what has been said in the introduction?

tyrande is on the maw not on ardenweald… but sure.

Well if she dies, here’s hoping we get a savage Malfurion at full power.

Pfft death.

Someone like Tyrande does not get the luxury of death.

The Dark Lady will make that one suffer well before her end.


Just because a character says her fate is sealed doesn’t mean that whoever said that actually knows that. It comes off like “Pfft if she wants to run off by herself then fine”


We’re told that quite often in stories like this. It’s a narrative trope at this point. They tried something in the past and it failed, but maybe if they tried with more people… so on and so on.

Mark my words, we’re gonna end up splitting the Night Warrior power between enough people to save Tyrande.


I’m sure sylvanas isnt weak then according to your standards?

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She’s not weak, but definitely erratic. It’s like she suddenly got dementia.

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