[SPOILERS: TWW] Earthen Lore Repository

It is why I love blackfuse tech, some do explode, but they explode with purpose. Instead of exploding because some greedy goblin (not naming names) wanted to cut corners.


Seems the Shamanistic earthen and warlock earthen trend towards the horde

Ah yes… The Darkness… According to the Kobolds in the Dungeon the Darkness changes forms every time it appears.

During Legion in Highmountain it appeared as a Void Wraith… During BfA also in Highmountain it was a C’Thraxxi… During WW in the Darkflame Cleft Dungeon it resembled a Flesh Beast…

It’s actual name is Uul’gyneth… Why it constantly manifests is unknown but it speaks of the Black Dragons always having served the Whispers so whatever it is was behind the voices Whispering to Neltharion in the past. Of course N’Zoth decided to Whisper to Deathwing while he recovered in Deepholm leading to Cataclysm.

Whatever form Uul’gyneth takes next time we meet it(since it ran away last time we fought it instead of simply letting us banish it like the other times) will be interesting to see.

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You know seeing the Earthen in Orgrimmar, makes me wonder if we have other NPCs talking about them. Like expressing how they feel about dwarves in the Horde.

“Looks like dwarf. Talks like the earth.” - Confused Shaman


Wait, wait. In your post you type “Archaedas at some point installed Dorn as a Watcher over Khaz Algar” but that is not what we are shown. The outdoor event which depicts a play with a watcher doing the things in question is not named Dorn. It is named Dornic. Since titan construct names frequently mimic some greek grammer…those last two letters of “ic” are important. They shouldn’t be ignored or omitted. Words like Ionic and Doric and Sophic end in those letters for a reason. It is a suffix which means “of or pertaining to” and some of the languages in eastern europe that have links to the greek language also use those letters “ic” on the end of their names, but typically their “ic” at the end of a name means a descendant of a person with that name, or a son of a person with that name, etc. In both cases, the name Dornic cannot, in my opinion, be assumed to be an original Dorn, and must be read as meaning “of or pertaining to Dorn” or even “a descendant of Dorn” instead. So it is entirely possible that the Isle of Dorn was named that for some older reason which the Earthen do not remember anymore.