[SPOILERS: TWW] Earthen Lore Repository

well she doesnt stay exiled, she becomes the High Speaker. (And also she becomes close friends with the Bronzebeard family and gets her new position because of them)

MY thinking is there wont be a leader that represents horde/alliance Earthen

Because unlike the Pandaren or Dracthyr where you have an entire group/faction (Tushui, Obisdian Warders etc) of that race that officially sides with that factions - that doesnt seem to be the case for the Earthen. Earthen are true neutral, all of their leaders are true neutral and there isnt an entire group that joins either side, its more like individual independent Earthen deciding if they want to leave Khaz Algar and go explore/check out the lands of the Alliance or Horde but again


Bronzebeard dwarfs are alliance. You can’t seperate that. Neutrality is not a thing in this franchise.

Well that does explain why apparently a giant Titanic murder robot rises out of the sea when the Earthen smash the system forcing them to obey the Edicts.

The Earthen are NOT bronzebeard dwarves and they are neutral


I mean… they aren’t even dwarves… they are stone constructs. Produced in a factory. That is like saying an android and a human are the same thing. I do not get why people at large seem to not grasp that one.


I don’t get it either. But it’s like nobody pays attention to anything anymore and reading comprehension is in the toilet


Moira, Magni, Dagran and Brann I mean.

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If they released a race that looked entirely like orcs but were, say, living plant creatures (maybe some kind of botani-spawned duplicate of orcs or something, who knows) that then proceed to join the Alliance because of some druidic tie to night elves or something, people would be rightfully confused.

A race that looks entirely like dwarves save that they have Stoneform active 24/7 instead of on a cooldown is also going to elicit a similar response, regardless of how it’s fluffed in the story.

As an aside, remember when they said they weren’t doing neutral races anymore because “blah blah something about character silhouettes blah blah”? Nightborne (and arguably a few other ARs) could’ve very feasibly been neutral but they went, “Nope. No more neutrals, we don’t like it.” That was until they realized that was more work than making one and letting both sides play it.


It also does not help that we don’t seem to have an ideological divide (does not have to be hostile) between two groups of Earthen in contrast to the Pandaren and Dracthyr. And that divide was the focal point behind the Pandaren intro. Which is why I loved that you made the decision after you had already made the character. The intro experience, if you chose to do it no longer has that same feel to it knowing the side you picked beforehand.

Obviously there would be people who would’ve made Pandaren back in MoP → BFA (so pre shadowlands, pre chromie time / exiles reach) knowing full well what faction they would pick, but for some new players, learning about the Alliance and Horde through proxies I felt was a good idea.

Earthen love to soak. Does erosion feel good, I wonder? Like super slow exfoliation?


This is kind of adorable.


Now, Orgrimmar Earthen. Still feels weird to me.


Make Blackrock Foundry on Azeroth… Yeah I can celebrate that!

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Whenever I thought of Orgrimmar getting a proper harbor, I always imagined it being related to Ogres in some manner. Never imagined it would be teased with the Earthen.

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BRF is whatever. Grimrail is where its at.


Why not both? A proper harbor and rail line across Horde territories bringing in products from the Tauren to the orcs to the goblins and back. To think that goblins were not bright enough to come up with a proper transportation system for the entirety of Kalimdor, is well glaringly obvious. Even the orcs on Draenor had it in Gorgrond and Telador and their reach went into Frostfire. Why not a similar system on Azeroth? lol Gnomes did it with connecting Stormwind and Ironforge. Smh

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Because infrastructure like that would clash with the tribal vibe. It’s just aesthetics.

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Who in their right mind would get in a train made by goblins. There is a 90% chance the thing explodes within 30 minutes. They probably have you sign a disclaimer for damages.


I mean, true, BUT don’t the Horde LOVE explosions… Least goblins do and Laughing Skull orcs.

Goblin tech seems to be a lot more reliable when the gobbo in charge isn’t a penny pinching jerk. Gazlowe/Blackfuse seem to do fine.