Now that’s a nose I can respect!
Are you sure that’s the Primus?
Wowhead says so.
Probably named “primus” in the game files lol
Doesn’t look anything like his statue.
That is rael?
Not really a fan. Honestly would have preferred he’d look like the statue portrayal.
I know, right?
Though to be fair, maybe the statue is really ancient and the Primus just changed a lot over the years.
Like, he grew an extra finger and stuff lol
Maybe they’ll update the statue.
It’s a very prominent proboscis.
He is all horns!
No excuse not to give the Undead horns now.
He resembles Gothik the Harvester…
If I’m correct the only Eternal Ones whose ages are outright confirmed to be older than Wrath of the Lich King are the Arbiter, the Archon, Zovaal and Sire Denathrius…
they took the jailers beard and put on this dude. the disrespect
You’re incorrect lol
The Primus was the guy that detected that the Jailer was betraying the group eons ago.
He is older than sand.
Nearly everyone in the SL pre-dates Wrath 6-7 years ago. No one ages here, they’re all immortal ancient beings. The Primus is one of the Eternals too, as is the Winter Queen, he was there when the SL system was built by the First Ones eons ago.
That’s nonsense.
You can’t hide that beard inside this bucket. It wouldn’t fit lol
It’s almost like…the devs know people try and leak stuff and spoil their big reveals…almost like they’re purposely…oh idk…trying to confuse everyone???
Have you seen the folks in Maldraxxis? Pretty sure “growing an extra finger and stuff” is taught on day 1.
So, it’s confirmed. The Runecarver is not the Primus.
I’m surprised you’re not flexing for being right this whole time.
Lmao, Necrolords didn’t get enough crap, so here’s HD Gothik the Harvester as the primus
Dude looks like he’d break his hip trying to help anyone