Spoilers - The Chieftain's Duty

Unlocked at Renown 11 with the Iskaara Tuskarr, this quest chain starts with the quartermaster expressing concern about how they haven’t heard from the Tuskarr tribe in the Waking Shore and sends us to investigate it.

In short, the Tuskarr tribe is in a bad place. The Djaradin haven’t been shy in attacking them and their fire magic has actually boiled water making fishing, their trade, rather dangerous and even their ottuk have gone missing, including the chieftain’s. Now it’s explained that the ottuk aren’t just pets, but family, an extension of the Tuskarr themselves. Thus the chieftain is in a deep depression, a lethargy that isn’t even lessened when we bring proof that we killed one of the Djaradin commanders striking against them.

However after we help his people, where to his credit he acknowledges he should of been the one to step up, he recruits us to find and rescue his ottuk. However we discover that all the missing ottuk were killed and left for food for the Djaradin’s pets. After bringing his back, a ceremony is performed where we honor him, and help him choose a new one.

This renews his fighting spirit, and he leads the charge in avenging their fallen against the Djaradin commander responsible for boiling the waters. With the tribe more secured, he vows to renew their trade with the Iskaara Tuskarr, declares friend of the tribe, and the flightpath is unlocked.


I am really liking the tuskarr in DF, they are among my favorite side quests. They remind me a bit of Lorewalker Cho’s questlines from MoP.


And the tuskaar kids are soo adorable!!

But yeah, I like how they fleshed out tuskaar society in DF. They’re a pretty hardy people. More than we realized when we first met the Tuskaar in Wrath.