[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

It’s because Dumass won musical chairs. Duh.

Praise be to the Light… reflected off the shiniest of gold.

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i’m actually quite weary about the idea of a time skip, due to the way it could just dismantle ongoing RP plots instantly. if a time skip occurs, then a lot of characters who are not of the ‘immortal’ races could just straight up age-out and drop dead. even if that doesnt happen, characters may end up elderly when the player doesnt want them to (and could force them to contrive a reason for them to still be xyz age.)

additionally, any long-term plots would just straight up die. guild event lines, personal stories, and interactions between certain characters would almost certainly fall apart as they get resolved in the ‘time skip’ time if you understand what i mean? i also don’t feel like blizzard are particularly great at all their strange time shenanigans and in doing so would probably try to have their cake and eat it to, somehow making a time-skip occur and not-occur at the same time, which would almost certainly add a layer of absurd complexity.


Delet this nao.

Also can male Gnomes get a somewhat “normal” haircut I just want something similar to a buzzcut.

Once again this proves a majority of Allied races could just be added customization and just have Vulpera on Horde and something else on Alliance as the new races.


At last, my barbarian will see some use!

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You will get your mad scientist hair and you WILL LIKE IT!

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Sometimes when I zone into SW coming out of the Mage Tower, my helm lags and there’s a buzzcut that shows up until the helm appears. I wish that haircut was something you could opt for.

This conversation reminds me of the “we forgot to add a hairstyle to this hairstyle” option that Draenei females have that I have literally never seen anyone use


She looks like she’s about to ask for the Exodar’s manager.


If you think a Karen would be near-bald I have bad news.


Honestly it was more of the face and the way the hair went with it that gave the Karen impression.

I never knew it was possible to be both deeply elated and disappointed at the same time.

The sword lowkey becomes a tourist attraction. Come see the infamous Sword of Sargeras, only 50 gold per viewing; sponsored by the Bilgewater Cartel!

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Returning to Pandaria in 8.3 was probably the only shot Ji or Aysa had at relevance this decade and they were nowhere to be seen


I am both concerned and excited for this. Soft Reset time, bay-beeee!

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Torghast Progression and Rewards

Torghast is the source of legendary gear in Shadowlands , but Blizzard doesn’t want to overwhelm players by giving them too much to do. Rather than the long running grinds for artifact power seen in Battle for Azeroth and Legion , legendary materials are awarded upon completing Torghast, with a cap per week to keep players from burning themselves out.

At launch, players will be restricted to one legendary equipped at a time , players can keep going back to Torghast to collect materials and craft more legendaries to give them more gameplay options, but those that are less interested in collecting everything won’t have to. Presumably a min-max oriented player could identify the best legendary to craft first, and then not feel pressured to continue to grind Torghast for more, at least not until they find a reason to prioritize another legendary.

This “breadth game,” as Kubit calls it, should give devoted players a reason to keep playing, while letting uninterested players jump to a different mode.

For those that are interested in the challenge, players will have a way to show bragging rights through floor completion. It isn’t definitively stated, but we can assume that would be done through achievements, at least to start.

“There are no current plans for a [Torghast] leaderboard,” said Kubit. “But you better bet that that’s one those things that’s on our list of cool potential things in the future.”

Torghast difficulty is currently a hot topic, as timed debuffs were recently added to higher floors, and although Blizzard published a response stating their intent with those Torment debuffs, it’s unclear as to whether they’ll be restricted to higher floors which are just for bragging rights, or something every player will have to deal with.

Torghast Group Scaling

Like other end game activities, Torghast is designed to be continually replayed over the course of the expansion, but unlike those activities, it’s also part of the questing experience; they don’t want it to be something that is played once and never revisited, so it needs to hook everyone.

On launch, it might be easier to approach Torghast as a group, but the activity is designed to scale with party size, while rewarding players individually, so that it’s not more efficient and rewarding to always go in as a group. Players shouldn’t feel punished for who they want to play with or how they choose to play. It’s designed to incentivize players with exciting rewards to encourage players periodically revisit the activity, but not become a chore which players who aren’t overly interested in it feel obligated to do regularly. This would seem to be a lesson learned from Horrific Visions, which started out a fun novelty which only had to be completed once or twice a week, but soon ramped into requiring several runs per week in order to obtain cloak upgrades. The goal of Torghast would appear to be to split that difference, so that players who enjoy it can keep going back, but those who don’t can get in and out much more quickly.

Torghast is something completely new for World of Warcraft: an endless mode that shouldn’t devolve into a weekly chore for months on end.

For some reason, Autai, you look more high def now.

I can definitely buy this being part of the reason/motivation, but I’m still kind of skeptical about timegated content in general given how awful it was in the past two expansions.

Hopefully it works out better; I’m told you can keep running it for cosmetic stuff after hitting legendary cap?

If they’re so worried about waiting for CDs each pull, I kinda wish they’d just cap the number of times you could use a skill with a greater than 5 minute cooldown per floor.

Give us 1 heroism and 1 army of the dead per floor or whatever (what other big CD skills still exist?), and otherwise leave the pacing up to the players.

If I’m soloing Torghast it seems even sillier to have torments, because my longest CDs as a warrior aren’t so large that they’d radically change my pace.


I’m only breezing through on occasion so I’m still missing a bit of context for this particular conundrum. That said, from what I’ve read, it reads a lot like the GCD issue. A sort of situation in that it only matters in any meaningful sense to a niche of players (or otherwise; doesn’t matter in any meaningful sense to the rest) but they’re determined to create a solution for a problem that’s not like… Really a problem.

Also people have been throwing out the kind of wacky abilities / bonuses you acquire in Torghast and like… Why the hell would a lust CD matter if you’ve already got other dps cd’s available twice as often. It seems antithetical to the purpose to make everything else scale wild but be worried that some people are gonna insist on wasting their own time somehow.

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Might be because of the armor swap I did. Legion pre-patch (and WoD crafted plate sets) best sets.

Because Torghast previously only had deaths kicking you out, people would indeed just alt tab and wait for lust to come off CD to avoid losing the run. Imagine all the crazy anima powers and then add lust’s haste buff on top of those.
With a soft timer, you can’t do that.

If the timers are too harsh, then hopefully they get rolled back. I rarely even think of timers like the enrage of a raid boss or the wind that blows you out of the level in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I don’t want to think about a timer like I do in M+.

Honestly, they could have a thing where you could pause the run and nothing would progress; your debuffs and CDs wouldn’t drop (but DoTs wouldn’t hurt you either)… basically you can’t do anything while paused.
It would allow those who need a breather after a big pull a chance to relax and someone who’s called away from the computer to take care of business without having to rush back to the game.

It’s not the type of thing I doubt but I also wonder who it is in testing that’s doing this.

I’d argue it exemplifies the existing conundrum that is lust and other big moment CD’s and how they skew the entire concept of balance but that’s ongoing and one of those things I basically never expect Blizzard to address.

Aside from that though, if it’s the data they have, then I guess I have to concede half a point but I get to double down on the other half of the point which is like… who cares. Or, secondarily, find a fix that isn’t something everyone called and complained about before Torghast even hit the alpha.

Not that this is meant to like, be me arguing at you at all, I’m just up here on the soap box.

This is exactly that thing literally everyone is already hammering on because they were saying it before alpha and now that we’re testing the waters on a ‘soft timer’ we’re only examining a solution that’s adjacent to the thing people were complaining about to begin with.

I don’t want to get like… Exceptionally petty or vindictive but there’s an incredibly hard line in all gaming, both real and virtual, where the abuse of meta knowledge or tactics create unhealthy exploitation of the limitations / exception. The entire idea of a soft timer explicitly serves as a direct (but ‘lesser’) contradiction to the thing most casual / non-M+ players wanted to see.

I meant to keep this brief so like… Just tweak lust, dudes. Blizzard. Like, it’s a decade old ability that has routinely caused entire game systems and classes to be redesigned. It’s not healthy. Maybe it’s time to address that for the longterm health of your awful game. Just do it man, rip the bandaid off. If covenant abilities and soulbinds and torghast bonuses and whatever are good and fun and cool, no one is going to notice the removal of one raid cooldown.

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