[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

How much hair can a gnome grow before they become too topheavy to stand?

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ā€œIn case of emergencyā€¦RELEASE THE CUSTOMIZATIONS!ā€

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Pretty much. Customization isnt scheduled to be ā€œoutā€ for a while. This is just them fiddling with it.

So far im pretty pleased. Especially with the deeper options like face shape and things. Never really expected it


That face shape option is very exciting because what else are they going to throw at us?!


Put a new coat of paint on a car and the value goes up. Itā€™s simply logic. Anyone who plays WoW at this point, has signed a contract to put up with a lot of nonsense. Character customization will make everyone happy.

*With the exception of the people who are never happy.

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Honestly, if something as granular as face shapes is on the table

Id love to see even the most basic height slider. Even if its ā€˜short, medium, tallā€™ and all they did was scale the player character .9, 1.0 and 1.1 sized.


Tauren Coat:

Tattoos (first sets color options are available to all tattoo designs)

Other tattoo designs:

Ladies share the same colors:

Face paint (shares the same color as body paint):


Looks like beefs back on the menu boys


Torghast has been updated to have a ā€˜soft timerā€™ mechanic:

List of Torments

As each of these debuffs stack, the longer you take on each floor, the harder the floor will become. In Twisted Corridors, one of this Torments will be assigned randomly based on the zone you get assigned and it will stack for every floor that you climb. Itā€™s theorized that after 6 floors when you kill the boss, and the zone switches the debuffs will reset.

  • Torment: Might of the Upper Reaches The might of the Upper Reaches increases Physical damage taken by the target by 1% every 60 sec. This effect stacks.

  • Torment: Mortā€™regarā€™s Echoes Remnants of Mortā€™regar increase magic damage taken by the target by 1% every 60 sec. This effect stacks.

  • Torment: Breath of Coldheart The breath of the Coldheart Interstitia decreases the targetā€™s damage done by 1% every 120 sec. This effect stacks.

  • Torment: Fracturing Forces The Fracture Chambers seeks out new prey, calling forth a Mawsworn Shadestalker every 30 sec while the target is not in combat. These minions have 20% increased health. This effect stacks.

  • Torment: Eye of Skoldus Skoldusā€™ Eye is upon the target, calling forth Mawsworn Seekers every 45 sec while the target is not in combat. These minions have 10% increased health. This effect stacks.

  • Torment: Soulforge Heat Oppressive heat from the Soulforges inflicts 1% of the targetā€™s maximum health in Fire damage every 5 sec. This effect stacks.


However, at the start of each floor, you now get a small safe area where you can change talents and prevents the soft timer from activating. In this area, you get a buff called Resting, which lasts until you leave the safe area, loot something or enter combat. This allows you to AFK or take a break during a run.

In the Shadowlands Pre-Patch all gear from previous expansions will be able to be transmogged at level 10.

Shadowlands Transmog however will start at level 48!

Yā€™all we get to look amazing at level 10.

That blonde Tauren coat! The tattoos are dope af.

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i am becoming less interested in torghast now

Iā€™ve never played a Tauren but those tattoos and that face paint is amazing.

The only thing I hope for at this point is that Blizz tries to balance their customization feast and that all the races get relatively equal attention.

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Hell, Tauren have had 3 faces since Vanilla

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Goblin lads:



The ears:


Goblins should be able to hear /say broadcasts from thrice the normal distance obviously


They really should ah haahahahaha

are the only good thing about goblins.

All gobbos are automatically sorted to venthyr

The extreme hooked noses on a race thatā€™s already kind of (read: really) stereotypical feels a little :thinking:

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Oh absolutely but theyve always had big crooked noses so this is pretty much a lateral addition