[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Well we still don’t have the asian/black faces they previewed at BlizzCon. There is some hope still.

What sounds more likely to you: Blizzard going out of their way to do extra work or Blizzard shrugging and saying they didn’t have time for it, after all?

We actually have some of them though? Like, those are the ones I’m talking about, especially the blood elves. Their darker skin options don’t actually look like human skin. Or elven skin. They look like they’re made of clay or something. Their skin tones lack the warm quality of actual human skin – hence why I spoke of cool colors.

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I mean, hope is just hoping Enekie. Just hoping for the best since they’re doing a huge customization dump.

I don’t disagree, but this is also an early Alpha dump.

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it’s not so much that i missed your point as i think it’s just… inaccurate
nothing is abnormal about the skin textures as far as WoW art style goes because that is generally just what skin looks like regardless of race

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Man, not to be rude, but isn’t “it’s just Alpha” the same tired song we’ve always sang to excuse their terrible music?


I’m not saying that though. I’m saying that this is just day one of the encryption dump.

Presumably, if they’re in the midst of creating the models anyway, it would be in their best interest to break from the art of the past and make skin textures for Actual Black People instead of What White People Think Black People Look Like.


i mean… you’re not wrong, but i imagine the bulk of looking Actually Black is going to come from the apparent slew of new facial options moreso than having accurate palms

edit: like it’s surreal to say that doesn’t look like human skin?? i have cousins who are almost that exact shade of black lmao

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I mean when the skin looks like it was literally just an existing “white” skin tone-shifted down…

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The key difference is that if these new options are literally just color-shifted variants, then we should be screaming at the top of our lungs that Blizzard had the gall to tout this as a selling point of the expansion.

Though given the current state of those new makeup options, I’m still willing to believe that they are unfinished somehow in a way that I’m not equipped to understand. Maybe another layer or something to make it look more natural.

See, I would buy “it’s not finished yet” if they didn’t have the exact same issue that the Kul Tirans have, who have been in the game for 1,000 years now.


There are three movements in the WoW expac concerto:

“It’s just alpha.”
“It’s only beta.”
“I told you so.”


Just like you couldnt stay away from pretending to be the victim

But anyways. Yeah these skin tones do look like theyve been simply shifted down from white instead of…made. im sure that with like…how allied races were hyped with bfa these new customization options arent going to be the end-all solution theyre presented as.

But theyre nice regardless.

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I feel like “I told you so” is frequently exchanged with “the next one will be better.”


It’s less “I told you so” and more often “why didn’t you say anything before?”


…you picked this argument, though?

Like, if you’re attempting to accuse me of faking abuse again, you probably shouldn’t single me out, follow me through threads and try to provoke arguments. I know you’re encouraged by the silence of everyone, but the last time this happened, you ended up saying some pretty terrible things you couldn’t take back.

Shadowlands Alpha Talent Calculator is up.

So I know this was a response for the inclusion to consumables in professions. But I was curious about your thoughts on the reduction of AoE targets to be hit. Personally, I’m not too worried because AoE has been a bit out of control. What are your thoughts?

For the most part, it looks like it’s targeting melee. Some are saying it’s going to affect all AoE, but nothing I read is saying or reflecting this. Mage wise, it’s only affecting Meteor at the moment.

I like the AoE cap, personally. Despite how much I liked Wrath, the style of AoE-ing everything down bothered me and that seemed like it mostly stayed in place for a lot of WoW.

It’d be nice if they made it so trivial monsters weren’t affected by it, though.

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Honestly, I’m not terribly worried. It feels like it’ll be easier to balance AoE across the board with a cap on certain abilities that varies and is adjustable. It’s going to suck for solo play, but I have a feeling that if it’s really bad, it’ll be one of the things Blizz will be keen on for feedback.

It might even allow them to buff certain moves. Bladestorm might see a damage increase for arms if it’s got a cap on the number of targets it can be used on. Back in Wrath when it was first introduced, it could only hit 4 targets anyway, and it was a monster of an ability to be hit by. They lowered the damage proportionately when they lifted the cap on the number of targets it could hit because it would have been untouchable burst AoE.

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