*Spoilers* Sabellian, Wrathion, and Alexstraza

You know… If blizzard didn’t suck at story telling,that would be a good example of why sabellion is the better choice. When you play a dracthyr, the alliance goes with wrathion, and the horde goes with ebenhorn… Sabellion is faction neutral.

But you know… Unique model, obvious choice.

Also, earlier you were asking where all the blacks came from because they were wiped out. I don’t know if anyone answered you, but they are literally sabellions’ flight. These blacks are the blacks from outlands that have been following sabellion and are the children of sabellion. They already see him as thier leader. I don’t know why this is a question… Oh right… Unique model.


Sabellion had followers, I didn’t count but more than eight. They had eggs.
Wrathion had none of that. He just tried to claim the eggs.
It’s weird, even his followers, Left and Right, “He made the hard choices!” “He Garrosh to prepare us for the Legion.” Anyone with a brain knows he threw responsibility to into someone else’s lap.

So the question is, does Blizzard think Wrathion actually did anything… or he’s a fraud.


Ebyssian should be the black dragon aspect.
Wrathion’s 12,
Sabellian has just been hiding in Outland all this time,
and both do a little genocide.
give it to the chill cow boi

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