(spoilers maybe) Augmented rune and aotc mount are on 10.2 ptr

So it’s safe to assume 10.2 is the last final content for dragonflight and there’s probably a fated patch, maybe 10.2.5 or they’ll make it 10.3, to make three raids fated till 11.0 pre patch

Does anyone actually feel like this expansion ending made sense…?

Using past two expansions, you had the big bad nzoth who was in the background throughout BFA and didn’t get fully unleashed till eternal palace, then we defeated him in nya’lotha

The jailer was shown early enough in Shadowlands and didn’t get defeated till zereth mortis raid.

Here in dragonflight they kept hinting old gods/void lords and it seems fyrakk is the final boss for dragonflight, when it should have been irkidon (who escaped when we defeated him) or something pure evil from the void lords sent to defeat us.

I honestly wanted to see Xal’atath return (the shadow priest legion artifact that became a person in BFA)

Or Ve’nari (the Broker who escaped the Shadowlands)

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Oh yay, another freaking “no patch 10.3” thread.

We needed more of these threads.

Please, post another.


They’ll will be it’s just gonna be fated content for a patch :wink:

With those glasses you had transmog I thought you’d be able to read and see I’m actually questioning the lore

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I’m not reading story spoilers, but so far, this expansion has been a massive letdown on that front. It absolutely baffles me how people can honestly say SL was “so bad” on this front yet give DF such a massive pass.

SL was the culmination of multiple expansion plotlines coming to fruition and exploring an entirely new facet of reality and actually had a cohesive plot from start to finish. I feel like all of DF has been a massive waiting game waiting specifically for the shoe to drop and what we’re “really” doing there to come about and made clear and when things do happen it is a massive feeling of “that’s it? Really?”.

I really wish COVID had hit and impacted DF and SL was the expansion that wasn’t hampered by a massive global pandemic and brought to light corporate scandals.

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I didn’t think SL was either, its more like Blizzard listened to the wrong people during all those complaints

They listened to people that just wanted to complain

While the actual feedback that was given by people who did said content got ignored

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rest in pepperoni dragonflight you won’t be missed, the sooner this disney snooze fest is over the better

/cries while starting new thread

Please start a new thread with your WoW Bible. Most interesting read all day. :dracthyr_heart:

I’m actually glad it was shut down even I know I was flirting with the line

Yeah me too, but it definitely had nothing to do with you. That was all OP. I didn’t see anything that you said wrong unless I missed it. :dracthyr_shrug:

No but people don’t have sense of humor sometimes.

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Can’t wait to read the cope from people saying they are cutting the expansion short so they can focus resources on the next one, lmao.

It’s more profitable to sell expansions and con some suckers into coming back, than it is to produce patches for the people who stay.

Why would anyone think they would do better in the next expansion, considering BFA, Shadowlands, and now Dragonflight have all been rushed to end.

Makes as much sense as the ending of Battle for Azeroth to me.

Then again I played Horde for that whole expansion so BfA ended as “Oh, I guess N’Zoth is back suddenly”.

Legion was the culmination of multiple expansion plotlines coming to fruition. Not that I think the story in Legion was particularly good, but it at least flowed from what came before.

SL was the awkward retconning of every past expansion plotline into a contorted new shape of “the Jailer was behind everything all along!” with a new facet of reality that demeaned every other story in WoW.

It makes me think of modern Star Wars. SL is like the sequel trilogy - uses major characters, and treats them terribly with horrible plot decisions. But people still have enough nostalgia loyalty that they want to know what happens.

Dragonflight is like a lot of the TV Star Wars stuff. Not badly handled in itself, but still crippled by the mere fact that everyone knows the major story was totally mishandled. Investment is lower, stakes are lower, but it lets people kind of put the knowledge of how badly the main story was handled aside in the mind.

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I mean, wouldn’t it make sense for them to cut the expansion short to work on the new one if it’s more profitable to sell expansions and con people to coming back?

It doesn’t mean they’re going to make a good expansion just because that’s where they focus their efforts

I shot some “likes” . :man_shrugging: