Spoilers : im a degenerate. and i ship it

Alexstrasza said “Once, we were as clutchmates.” She was referring to the the Aspects and the Primal Incarnates. She isn’t saying they were literal siblings, just that their relationship was like siblings.

And not all of the Aspects are siblings either, so we definitely know she isn’t talking about a literal sibling relationship.

It’s at 2:15.

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what have i just wandered into? is this like the after dark sections of the forums or something?


Social media, including forums, was a mistake.

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I feel like it’s worded strangely but good enough? I’ll let the OP decide since it’s their ship :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah it’s strange because “as clutchmates” sounds weird but it’s technically grammatically correct.


she’s already taken tho…?

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Wouldn’t work, there would be no eggs.

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As much as Im a big fan of wrathion and anduin being an official couple, I didnt see anything between alex and frosty girl that would suggest anything outside of understanding and a hint of good will.

There are more kinds of friendly and affectionate relationship between two people than mating. Besides Alex has consorts last I heard.

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big red flag right there. wrathions 15.

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can we stop shipping two beings for literally happening to exist and interacting
especially ones that appear to exist as plot devices to build conflict within a story


Sorry, any other dragon and I’d give you the time of day, but Alexstrasza is built different. She’s the mother of an entire flight, the flight centered on the proliferation of life. Her entire portfolio is based around gestation, growth, nurturing and sustenance of living things. Alexstrasza is the platonic ideal of the Mother, an ALPHA BREEDER, and a heterosexual icon.

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I can just tell how you must look like irl. Mental illness has become too rampant in the modern age.

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Oh no! It’s the Sam and Dean Winchester fiasco all over again! :grimacing:

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Im not gonna sit here and discuss the physiology of non existent entities with someone clearly trolling, but Id be weirded out if a 15 year old looked as late 20s early 30s as he does.

The concept of “dog years” (the idea that a 3 year old dog is an adult dog but a 3 year old human is a toddler) applies here, but this is all the time Ill waste with this silly idea.

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lol. no it doesn’t. the law is very clear on this. the devs have stated repeatedly hes 15. in fact dragon years makes it worse because a dragon TAKES LONGER TO REACH MATURITY. so yeah 15 human years is basically toddler years for a dragon. WHICH IS EVEN WORSE. you just dont want to face facts that your basically shipping a minor. the law DOES NOT MAKE distinctions between fantasy years.

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how old is andy btw?

Okay. You’re wrong…by like times infinity.

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Dragon maturation cycle does not map onto human maturation cycle at all. Completely incomparable.

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gana double down then.
scorpion x sub zero was a ship i cant let sink.
ememies to lovers.