I just don’t get it. What did Garrosh do that was so extraordinarily evil? Yes, he mana-bombed Theramore. Big deal - lots of characters in WoW have both killed more people, and done it in more brutal ways. Moreover, from Garrosh’s perspective, it was war, and Theramore was a loaded gun pointed at his front door.
I’m not saying the guy was good… but it’s so ridiculously cartoonish to turn him into SL’s whipping boy. What the heck happened to Arthas (who, by the way, ALSO doesn’t deserve eternal torment)?
He showed up in the Maw in Edge of Night. Presumably his soul’s been destroyed at this point.
If so, that’s a pretty pathetic way to end WoW’s most iconic character.
Well, let’s go down the list.
- Immediately after we (and Thrall) helped him in Burning Crusade, he tried to overthrow Thrall and take over the Horde in the Wrath pre-launch event.
- In Borean Tundra he sabotaged our efforts to fight the Scourge.
- He also sabotaged our efforts against Yogg-Saron.
- He was a dork at the Argent Tournament.
- On the way back from Northrend he attacked returning Alliance troop ships for no reason, against the wishes of Cairne.
- Sabotaged the Horde invasion of Twilight Highlands, leading to the invasion force’s almost complete annihilation.
- Tried to turn the Horde into an “Orcs only” club. Starting with “Other races are useful too - look, this one’s a Shaman.” and eventually leading to “They are no longer part of my Horde!”
- Ordered the assassination of Vol’jin.
- Had his Dark Shamans deplete the land around Orgrimmar of life.
- Dug up an old god’s heart and tried to use it for whatever he was doing.
There’s a ton more.
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Ukhu doesn’t like facts that ruins his cringe worthy RP fantasy.
Kinky! So hawt! (I hope he’s naked!)