[Spoilers] female and male blood elf customizations

:musical_note: Every party needs a pooper, that’s why they invited you.

Party pooper! Party pooper~! :musical_note:


Bah every Half thing we’ve seen except Half orc half ogre have looked like either the mother or the father. Your lore is fiine.

I suppose the ear thing could be justified with them literally devolving. Then again that still doesn’t explain why a race evolved from trolls is devolving into humans which evolved from metal giants.

I hope they don’t give night elves small ears as that would make no sense and have no justification seeing as they aren’t devolved like blood elves.

With male blood elves getting more bearded options hopefully the memes surrounding them not having enough testosterone will stop.

they can just reconsider and add blue eyes to blood elves cause it make sense and is within the lore

they should not strip race customization because the other faction is mad that they don’t have a carbon copy of the other faction race.

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Very nice new options!

The “black” eyes look slightly green to me, at least on my monitor. Anyways, assuming that the black, blue, purple, and red options are for NPCs, I’m very curious about what that means. Those blue colors aren’t the same as current death knight or high elf blue eyes. Are we going to see new elf-shaped characters in Shadowlands, or a greater variety of looks for existing NPC categories? If we were expecting dragon shenanigans in Shadowlands, I’d say that some of these options could be for them. The different blue colors and purple could just be for high elf NPCs and void elves, and the red could be an additional look for dark ranger NPCs, but that black color doesn’t seem to easily fit any existing NPCs.

I do wonder if any of these new colors have anything to do with Kael’thas somehow. He’s got two models that we’ve seen, one with red eyes and one with blue eyes (but not the same blue as a high elf NPC). I wonder if we’ll see any other dead Thalassians in Shadowlands, in Revendreth or elsewhere? A lot of elves ended up dead between the events of the Third War and Burning Crusade.

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how so? Its not an odd idea that the mixing of such races would shorten the ears. They may be from as you put it trolls and metal giants, but the curse of flesh changed the titan forged from that to flesh and the elves have changed immensely over time. Both are biological. As are the Orcs.

Further orcs have short pointed ears. Half orc. Half elf. short ears. :stuck_out_tongue:
You’re just being a sour skittle. Thats right. I said it.

Purple eyes! Purple eyes!


Feels so weird to see small ears on elves in WoW. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Purple eyes!

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Purple eyes!


The red eye option doesn’t look finished and is definitely not the same as the ones in game currently. Plus they have those green lines on the lower lid which implies that they’ll glow green sort of like the when the new worgen eyes were first revealed.

Pixie cut short ears!

I’m tinker bell WWWEEEEEEEEEEE!

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Idk about being a grimtotem but the blonde fur looks kinda cool, other than that the paints are cool too.

Also, purple eyes!

Wasn’t there a black fur color? Maybe I just assumed that was grimtotem when combined with red tatts

more Blizzard favoritism for the Belfs and Horde in general, nothing new here Alliance.

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Yeah, one of the new ones is black and reddish brown, I’m just saying I probably won’t use it.

->ignore blizzard adding customization to alliance allied races, regardless of their statement that allied races would not get customization

->removed an eye color option of blood elves because alliance crybabies spammed the forum

Sure, horde favoritism buddy


They’re updating all the base races customization? In what universe is this favoritism?