Spoilers- Don't Do It!

Alrighty y’all. Let’s get this one out of the way; I could care less if you think its obvious. I could care less if you think ‘they’re gonna see it anyways’. DO NOT TALK ABOUT SIGNIFICANT EVENTS UNTIL YOU KNOW THE PERSON YOU’RE TALKING TO HAS SEEN THEM. I just had to deal with one of my guildies being absolutely devastated because the entire plotline for Ardenweald was spoiled for her. Let’s stay classy bois.


bolvar doesn’t grow hair he still bald af


Are you talking like… spoilers on forums? Because there’s always the option of avoiding clicking the thread unless it’s one of those things where someone doesn’t spoiler the title or it’s literally right there in the title of the thing

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There’s also people who post replies containing spoilers in non-spoiler threads

Stay off the forums and disable tradechat, that is the LEAST you can do to avoid the spoibois.


the sass
i love gnomes

OP sorry about your friend. It’s something I try to watch out for but unless I start convos with I DON’T WANNA KNOW THE OUTCOME OF _______ then that can happen. I avoid threads that appear as though they might discuss certain topics and I left Trade chat long long ago. With the release of expansions or books/movies I even move General chat to a different window.

It sometimes doesn’t help though.

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Snape killed dumbledor

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cheers mate

cant same the same for you though rotbreath xxx

Real talk though,

It sucks, but it’s going to happen. We can complain as much as we want about people who spoil stuff in WoW, but there will always be someone who intentionally does it to ruin people’s days, or someone who discusses some plot point with you that you haven’t reached yet with them assuming that you have.

It happens with all media franchises of all mediums. Film, TV, Games. Game of Thrones was especially bad where I remember the chats of games I played occasionally having some absolute spanner who spammed "X killed Y. "

The only way to avoid spoilers is to filter what you see online. Avoid social media for a while, mute public chat channels, etc.

People online really won’t change. Just remove/block/mute people that intentionally spoil stuff for their sick amusement. Forgive and forget when people do it by accident.

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I feel like this is a two way street. You can take steps to avoid spoilers, but at the same time I don’t think the entire world has to stop just because you haven’t experienced a piece of media yet. There’s obviously a huge measure between someone intentionally spoiling things, and it being accidental.

People are experiencing the expansion. They’re excited. They want to talk about it. If you don’t want to hear about it, after a point the onus is on you, as everyone else isn’t going to wait to hear that you’ve experienced it too before they talk about it.

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Spoiler: I ate Turkey for thanksgiving

Legit though it’s a two way street if they really want to avoid spoilers they should avoid the forums, social media and trade chat for a little while, I had to do that for last year’s super bowl because I had to baby sit for a friend and couldn’t watch it at the time.

Spoilers. High Elves are Playable now. Right now Void Elves and Blood Elves!

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