***SPOILERS*** Bosses in battle for dazar alor

Why does horde fight a no name paladin in the first encounter when the it could have been talemon since he is going on a suicide mission anyways?

Why couldnt alliance fight gallywixx instead of high tinker and have it be same encounter just different visuals?


So wait, the Alliance fights Mechatorque?


I thought they were doing the thing you said?

They’re doing 3 specific encounters where each faction changes into the other faction to show that side of the story. So alliance will turn into horde for the mechatorque, jaina and one other fight while the horde will change into alliance for rastakhan and other fights I can’t remember


I’m guessing they felt the Talemon sacrifice would be more “touching” in the side quests alliance will have building up to the raid. Jaina and him will have dialogue with each other talking about how he’s sacrificing himself and yadda yadda. Not much sentiment in a raid when the horde just plows through him and pays no mind to him. Alliance wouldn’t get to “see him off”. Just taking a guess there obviously.

Why would they swap High Tinker for Gallywax? The Higher Tinker is trying to stop the horde from pursuing the alliance. So, I don’t know how Gallywax would fit in there. Also, the damage done to the the High Tinker will surely be addressed after, so it’ll be it’s own quest chain or something I’m sure.

What doesn’t make sense is that the horde will kill the big monkey, and then the jadefire masters, and then turn into the alliance to relive what they’ve already done. Which, apparently, in the time it took us to kill the Jadefire Masters, the alliance killed undead monkey, the gold coins ele, the loa worshipers and King Rastakhan.

Horde is super slow, or the alliance is crazy OP fast. Or maybe these trolls are not as strong as we thought they were… May need some new allies!

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They could have written it in a way that alliance gets to mekatorque after killing rastakhan and mekatorque is defeated just as they get there and now they fight gallywix to escape.

then the PoV switches to horde for alliance players where they fight the blockade and jaina .

I am more apalled that I, as a blood elf, will be transforming into a human of all WoW races. Absolutely revolting.


if we had high elf…

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But then it will be 4 alliance fights vs 2 horde fights. And the rage that would spark from that…

Your scenario doesn’t make sense in the story time line. High Tinker stayed behind to hold the Horde off. If the Alliance get in the fight as Gallywix comes in, that means the Alliance were behind the High Tinker and the Horde. By the time we make it to High Tinker, we’ve learned that Rastakhan is dead and Nathanos (I think) decides we should give chase.

So, it wouldn’t make sense for the Alliance to arrive in the fight as the horde (Gallywix) arrives. You guys are already supposed to be on the ships while High Tinker is holding us off.

Edit: It’s would be cool to have both factions fighting major characters like that. But, like I said, I also thought that the damage done to High Tinker is actually supposed to be important post raid. If they just did the exact same thing to both sides… that would be kind of meh…

The heck are you on about?

Mekkatorque gets frozen so he can be used as a plot device later to introduce those Mechagnomes as an Alliance allied race.


Didn’t you already make this thread?

Turalyon is female?

He’s referring to Captain Fareeya, the person who greats the new LF characters and welcomes them to Azeroth.

Turalyon, to me at least, is more like a liaison than a racial leader.

Wait, wait; we turn into…WHAT?
Burrows into fav Snuggie; savage munching of emergency cookie stash is heard

Ah, ok.
I guess he is right.

So what you’re saying is…

Make the first Raid to display different PoV’s not display different PoV’s?