(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Ok If nothing happen to the night elf like for many other race you get mad.

If bad thing happen to the night elf like for many other race you get mad.

If you beat the horde butt but not enough like in Darkshore you get mad.

Basically you just want the privilege to be the OP race that can kick everyone butt while keeping everything even if majority of the playable race have way less than you…


So you’ll be glad when my prophecy comes true and Tyrande lets go of the Night Warrior power to restore the Winter Queen, turning her white (and actually wintery now).

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Certainly better than letting Tyrande die and at least she does SOMETHING useful with the night warrior power.


I can’t think of a single playable race that has less than the night elves besides the void elves. The night elves still have a single zone left (without a city) which is Darkshore, they’re also all dead and their leader that desperately wanted justice got beaten to near death by the one who commited the genocide.

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Cough Worgen Cough. They have even less and their entire lore is tied to the NE, they have nothing unique to call their own.


That is a true statement, they didn’t get a check to cash in this expansion. :rofl:

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You’re not really being very objective here, but that’s a tall order for a lot of people on this forum.

In a narrative structure, there is the expectation of a give and take. A character who takes on some dark power that everyone fears, and has it slowly killing them is expected to be able to accomplish something in return as a tradeoff. While of course killing a big old raid boss like Sylvanas has become is a bit too far, the crux of the issue is that the big spooky powerup hasn’t resulted in Tyrande doing anything.

She killed a valkyr that Sylvanas no longer needed, and killed Nathanos, who wanted to be killed. Nothing else has been accomplished, and people are likely to notice this, as many other lore characters have been given power ups without a cost or with less cost in the narrative before and have been given victories and notable achievements as a result.

  • Varian gained enhanced physical abilities from Goldrinn, at no cost, and had a slew of wins in the lore. Even his death was a triumphant one showcasing him at the height of his power.

  • Thrall gained marked power boosts in Cataclysm with the only cost being his role as Warchief. in exchange, he was shown to have a ton of power that didn’t go away until Legion, and that is likely temporary.

  • Jaina gained a staff empowered by the Thunder King, making her more powerful with no downside as well.

  • Anduin has been steadily gaining strength in the Light without any downside or negative impact on him.

  • Vol’jin died, yes, but is coming back as a Loa. I highly doubt there will be some side effect that damages him as a result.

A boost in power that’s a double-edged sword needs to have some form of actual payoff, or it’s just a masked way to further damage a character. It’s essentially meaningless. Now, if there’s a payoff later, that’s fine, sure. But keep in mind that Blizzard has done away with several chances for there to be any sort of payoff, even slight, thus far, with the Night Warrior power. So people are naturally going to note the discrepancy between it as a power up narrative device, and the myriad others we’ve seen.


Atleast there are still worgen alive…

There are plenty of Night Elves alive.


The handful of refugees in the streets of stormwind?..

Don’t get me wrong I think the worgen have it very bad too mainly because of how close they are to Night Elves, but atleast the Worgen “only” lost their zone and not multiple zones, their people and had their leader humiliated by the one that commited genocide against them.

Worgen, gnome, draenei, panda, darkspear troll, tauren and forsaken that gave no leader/zone/capital.

Night elf are still a easy top 3 race who gave the most.


Most of those have leaders and/or capitals…

I think they just want a win without it being mixed with a colossal failure in some way.
i.e. “You won, BUT–” or “You lost, BUT–”.

There is never just, “You won!” which is all nelf fans want, now.

They barely won after having divine intervention from their god to give someone life-threatening power, and that’s just reclaiming 1 zone. Teldrassil is still gone, Ashenvale is still not reclaimed (or at least they didn’t mention if it was). That doesn’t feel like a win so much as losing less.


I’m not sure about the status of Gilneas, but you can’t go there as if it were a usable city. Genn is still alive.
Gnomes have Gnomeregan reclaimed in the lore and now Mechagon. Mekkatorque is now King of the Gnomes.
Pandaren have the Wandering Isle, but cannot go there in-game, but it still exists. They have Aysa and Ji as faction leaders. Additionally, Pandaria if you wanna just go by race.
Darkspear Trolls have Rokhan as their leader now. Their capital area is the Echo Isles, even if it’s not an actual city.
Tauren have Thunder Bluff + Baine. Highmountain + Mayla as well, if you include them.

Forsaken are the only ones who fit the same category as nelves, in that they have no proper home.


That’s been the issue for many, yes. Basically night elves have not had any sort of win, it’s always pyhrric. Night elves are hardly alone in this, of course, gnomes and draenei have had similar, but it happens to night elves on a consistent basis.


Yeah I’ll admit, as cool as it should sound that they settle in Hyjal now, the place is so ravaged by angry fire elements it doesn’t look as gorgeous as it used to.

I mean, does it? Really? Outside of Teldrassil, what other phyrric lose have they suffered in WoWs lifetime? It feels like people have majorly overblown the amount of losses the NE suffer


Night elf gave 2 God tier leader and a third and even fourth that are more relevant that many main leader or other race.

That and the 4 or 5 zone that they have which is more than nearly every race while some dont even have one.

You are clearly the one not being objective here.


Garrosh was steamrolling the nelves in Cataclysm and practically wiped out half of Ashenvale. The cataclysm itself shattered Auberdine and they made it a point to show how many people died in that.

They only took Ashenvale back with Varian getting the blessing of Goldrinn. This is never mentioned in game, only in a book.


It starts as early as Warcraft 3, where they save the world but at the cost of wiping out Hyjal.

Cataclysm is a slew of ‘wins’ at the cost of something major, or it’s co-opted by Stormwind. Stonetalon Peak is lost to Old God stuff, the PC clears it out but it’s still done for. Ashenvale if volcano’d, and has a lot of damage done to it by the Horde, such as all of Silverwing Outpost being slaughtered. The Horde only ends up leaving due to the treaty at the end of MoP wherein the night elves give up any claim to Azshara or Stonetalon. Hyjal is saved from Ragnaros but more than half of the zone is burnt to the ground.

The entire War of Thorns has lots of losses, that aren’t wiped away by any win in Darkshore. Such as the Sentinels being killed to the woman by poison as the Horde sweeps through. Hell, in the War Campaign it happens twice, once where your team of Sentinels all die no matter what you do in Nazmir, and then again when a large portion of nelves make up the suicide army that ends up dying for basically nothing.

It happens to other races, draenei for one, but it… happens to night elves a lot. A lot a lot.


Does anyone ever get such a clean win in this story? Truly? Not just the NEs either. Like “maybe” humans are the sole exception, but the all might “BUT” tends to apply to just about every other conflict resolution with every other race. Win or loss.