(Spoilers 10.1) future of Evokers/Dracthyr

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You three shall be the examples all Dracthyr will follow.
Sarkareth, my devastator, you shall rend your foes with the powers of the Red and Blue Dragonflight.
Viridia, my preserver, you shall heal our allies with the graces of Green and Bronze Dragonflights.
And Emberthal, you will wield the essence of the Black Dragonflight to augment all those around you with my power.
By my command, kneel and obey.

Two specs been listed which is what we know

Tank spec happening in the future?


Doesn’t sound like a tank spec to me. Combine that dialogue with the in-game book “Edict: The Adamant Vigil”, it sounds more like a Support spec.

The Adamant Vigil
This weyrn shall be the eyes and ears of the black dragonflight and the legions of dracthyr.
Where our enemies tread, you will find them. Where our armies fly, it will be your guidance that directs their talons. Learn the weaknesses of our foes and amplify the strength of our allies.
Only the most bold, most cunning, and most gifted commanders shall join the ranks of the Adamant Vigil. This weyrn shall be granted unprecedented authority to act on its own initiatives, and shall answer to only Scalecommander Emberthal and the Earth-Warder.

IF they really are going to add a third spec in the middle of the expansion, it sounds more like something similar to, but not exactly like, a Disc Priest that would be centered around debuffing enemies and buffing the party/raid.

Sarkareth, my devastator , you shall rend your foes with the powers of the Red and Blue Dragonflight.

Now i’m curious, why are the Sundered Flame dracthyr rogues, mages, and warriors? :thinking:

edit: Still glad to hear some progress for evoker tank. Every race deserves a chance. :+1:


Sounds like another Healer spec.

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What makes

sound like a tank? It literally sounds like a class that buffs/debuffs. Maybe first time in WoW we have a support class. I want a Evoker tank so I can actually play one, but its very unlikely dude.


Not all Drac’thyr are Evokers. Evokers are like the SpecOps that are head and shoulders above the other Drac’thyr.

From the in-game book, “Edict: Evokers”:

Every dracthyr is an expert soldier. Whatever weyrn they serve, they use their talents to defend dragonkind in obedience to the Earth-Warder.
Yet even among such illustrious ranks, there are a select few who transcend the skills of their kin. Who are able to master the specialties of all weyrns and shift between roles at will.
These are the evokers. The best of the best, finest of the finest.
These elite forces possess the rare potential to focus their essences into an instrument of preservation or a weapon of devastation.
The journey to such mastery is long, and few dracthyr can see this path through. But those who learn to harness their full potential shall be honored with the title of evoker.


That sounds like a great idea, putting a new spec in the game with what, maybe a month on PTR at most? :roll_eyes: I can’t see any way that could possibly go wrong.


I can only imagine so. Some people are hesitant but Black is the tankiest dragonflight so I can’t see them as anything but a tank spec.

If this is legit , that mean Blizzard got tired of all the memes and facts throw at them :rofl:

This really worries me. I remember playing a shaman back and TBC where their totems only effected the party they were in. Which made them required for certain fights. Had to have one in the melee group for windfury just for the sheer dmg it added. If the boss had a raid wide fear mechanic that needed countered, guess what shaman in every group for tremor totem.
We already have classes/specs that don’t / won’t be brought (monk, ret pally, feral). Because buffs are raid wide now days and a different spec can provide it better. (Brewmaster vs windwalker; prot pally vs ret; etc).
People have already thrown a fit over PW. You have the issue of they buff too much and are required or they don’t do enough and thus not needed or worse off than just bringing a dps.

Considering the timing of this I think it’s an April fools.

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man i’d love to play a support class. i miss bc shadow priests and having the warlocks and the healers fight over whose group i got to be in. :rofl:

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Sounds like a support spec, which was rumored. Blizz outright said there is no new tank spec coming, but didn’t say there wouldn’t be any others.

Seems like a new spec coming in and it’s more support if anything if we go by the datamined log note thing stating in 10.1 you’d be greeted with a quest, for a new spec and it was the result of the 10.0.7 stuff that you found out about… Still speculation

I just never saw Blizz do this during an expansion but I’ve only played since Legion so ya know… I guess since they didn’t have to focus on extra borrowed power stuff they have time for this but seems really risky balance wise and one would think they’d put that on PTR way in advance.

I don’t think Blizz would be wise to surprise drop a spec without any notice. People would like the chance to prepare to be able to play well with the new spec, not only that, the balancing of the game which is already fragile would be even worse considering you’d have no data to work on and no feedback on said spec. They are just developing the storyline IMO, there’s basically 0 chance of a new spec coming out at all, it’s all the community being aroused lol.


It makes more sense to be another healing or DPS spec a bit more than a support spec.
A support spec has no slot in the current group structure outside of raiding.
Unless they change groups to fundamentally be 6-man or 4-man? And that would be such a big rework that it’s not even considerable.

If they don’t simply hand-wave a “no one can be this other thing because reasons” dialog/quest thing…here’s what I would think make it more than a little possible for it to appear.
Note: might not be in .1…might be in .2 or even 11.0 (create hype now so people stick around for it to “arrive”)

Adoption. Based on various population estimates out there, actual active adoption of the class isn’t where they want it. This was, arguably, one of the key central pillars of the entire expansion and the participation needs shored up.

I also believe the spec was always there. Whether it was just never finished or it was simply held back “just in case of (something)”. That could be a bunch of somethings. I think that they may have looked at their data and now they need to plug in something else to shore up a metric or such. Also, based on the speculation about how phoned-in the Reach feels being attributed to “it was supposed to be there earlier but wasn’t finished in time” is a bit of a feeder too.

Face it. Overall, DF didn’t make their numbers where they’d like. A better expansion than the last 2 or 3 (opinions differ, some even say since Pandaria, but not trying to pin that down here). But it’s still been full of trainwrecks. Just not the rubbing-face-in-broken-glass kind we saw in SL.

Healers, not all of them of course, are expressing their unhappiness. Tanks roll their eyes…they’ve been there done that. It’s getting decently ridiculous using the LFD/RDF as to whether you’re waiting longer for a tank or a healer.

And, despite what a lot of people on the forums think, a metric tonne of players live in the LFD/RDF.

A “new” healing spec for Evokers would be like hitting a half dozen birds with one rock.
A “new” tanking spec would do something similar, maybe not as impactful.

Cool. I guess. I don’t like Evokers.

I just hope the dragons get more classes one day. I need another Hunter.

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The description makes it sound like they may be possibly toying with the idea of a spec that provides combats perks to the party members?

Like, maybe a spec that provides short duration healing buffs/damage reductions to the party during high damage sections, damage buffs when they need a bit of extra, stuff like that, but that doesn’t necessarily contribute directly to damaging the boss.

It would be interesting to see how a straight support spec would work.

Maybe they’ll be bards

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

i would be happy with any type of spec they are willing to throw at us… what i am worried about is if we get a third spec it will be untested…

When I read this I picture something akin to Nefarion’s class calls and the old DK ability dark simulacrum, and it playing something like Guild Wars where each class in your party contributes abilities to your action bar like how switching weapons changes your abilities.

So the evoker gets 2-3 abilities flavored by each class in the party, and the party gets a ‘boost’ via an inverse ‘class call’ that uniquely boosts those party members in some useful way.

For it to work the evoker spec would need some base abilities to allow it to solo, or some basic ‘memory’ to call on to allow it to copy a class if solo, but this is how i’d like to see the black dragon spec to work.