[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

You might have missed the words “in whole or in part” that is completely opposite of your personal definition of genocide.

In whole, or in part doesnt mean your intent is to kill one family of a certain group. It means that there can be a part of an ethnicity or religion or nationality that you intend to remove completely through acts of genocide.

There was a lot more than one family’s worth of people left on the capital.


Do they actually think involving Uther in this will get people to look more favorably upon Sylvanas?

More likely the reception would be a downturn in the perception of Uther.

Look at how much ridicule Jaina gets over changing her tune on working with Sylvanas despite Uther’s involvement.

Irrelevant. You seem to think that the literal definition, I cited, contradicts the UN definition. In addition you think the UN definition somehow makes the retcon regarding how many nelves were in the tree, how many survived and Sylvanas’ original intent, suddenly not a retcon… when it definitely was.

Returning to Sylvanas’ intent from her inner monologue:

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

      No citation needed here.
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
      …inflict a wound that could never heal…
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
      …Losing their homes and their leaders would have ended the kaldorei as a nation, if not a people.

But here is the problem…

The emphasized portion does not refer to a figurative destruction, and this is why in real life many of these acts decried as acts of genocide are not acted upon by the UN. The actual intent must be to destroy the Kaldorei as a people, not a geo-political force, and not as an act of war.

The D Day invasion was meant to end the threat of Germany. To break up the territory that had become Germany. It was meant to end Germany as a nation, if not a people. The land that was Germany was split into two territories and a wall was built in Berlin. Families were split and not allowed to see one another for 4 decades. This was not an act of Genocide. Even though the intent of all of those acts was to end Germany. It was an act of War.

Now, if an Elven leader were to find a group of elves dispicable, round them up, exile them and forcibly march them— men, women and children— out into certain death, for little reason besides having better proportions, and nifty colored eyes… that could be considered an act of genocide.

And Sylvanas escalated from figurative destruction to literal destruction when she ordered the catapults fired. And Sylvanas always intended to burn the tree regardless.


Cultural genocide, by destroying a homeland, is figurative genocide.

Retconned, yes.

A literal genocide.

    A wound that cannot heal. Sylvanas needed to think of a new way to inflict one. There was no turning back.


    The voice drew Sylvanas’s attention from the tree. It had come from a mortally wounded Sentinel, the very one Sylvanas had felled only minutes ago. She was coughing. Weak. Dying.

    “Why? You’ve already won,” the night elf said, struggling to force the words out. “Only innocents remain in the tree.”

    That was good to know, if it was true. Sylvanas knelt next to her. “This is war,” she said.

Nor was it a retcon. Sylvanas inner monologued burning the tree in A Good War before the Horde even made it through Ashenvale.


Not entirely true.

I want a proper payoff for having been put through the Teldrassil gameplay experience and I don’t care a fig about Arthas. I was fine with Wrath have been the end of him and never seeing him again.


I likewise an one of the people who still wants Sylvanas dead and am also happy that Arthas was obliterated in the raid and otherwise only being involved in Shadowlands in flashbacks.


The comment was about a literary tool used for a story purpose.

You’re talking about your perception of the story as part of the audience. (Not all of the audience has the same view.)

Your Jaina/Uther/Sylvanas statement is also about some of the audience’s perception.

It was also a comment on what the Devs could have been thinking when they cooked this up.

As well as what the consequences of doing so they imagined.

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Hollow words. In effect, she is more or less on the way to redemption if not already there.

Any opposing players have either been ignored (Baine, Genn) or outright forced to choose otherwise (Tyrande).

Ofcourse, time will tell but the writing on the wall is clear, and no amount of “I am unforgivable” will change a forgiving narrative that is now solely focused on her perspective and not that of her victims.


They could just send in the Kyrian to save all the souls as fast as possible, but no, they gotta have some reason to keep Sylvanas away for as long as possible.

Dude, are you okay?

Like seriously, stop with the necroing of threads.


Hey! you’re getting close to our trademark! :slight_smile:

Whoa. Did I post that before that was her actual sentence?

I even amaze myself.

Sorry, Drahliana’s quote made me read the post I made back then. This is quite the necro.