SPOILER plot hole for the new Bond film. Don't even hover over it

James Bond at the end of the film will kill his big love or her daughter if he touches them or gets near them because of the nanites in his Blood, and no one in the film mentions the Nanites are shielded against EMPs. So, Bond has an EMP watch that kills all machines.

Am I the only one that has put two and two together? He sets the watch off, kills the nanites (the Poison) and they can all drive off into the sunset.

A plot hole even James Bond could drive through without damaging the Car.

James Bond has always the exact right amount of ‘toys’ each mission.

I just saw the movie you’re talking about and if I remember it right (which is possible I’m not-but anyway I think this is what happened:) Bond set off the watch BEFORE he got infected with the killer nanites/target DNA stuffs that would affect Madeline and Mathilda, when he blew out the one guy’s bionic eye.
He was first infected with nanites when he “killed” Blofeld, due to Safin’s lotion Madeline put on before she and Bond saw Blofeld in prison. (Bond had touched her wrist and caught the Blofeld-killing nanites then)
But I thought it was at the very end when Bond fought Safin in the pool and Safin’s vial broke when Bond got infected that would affect Madeline and Mathilde…that’s why he remained on the island.
I could be wrong??? It’s confusing to me still.