*Spoiler* Dragon Isles story doesnt make sense for dracthyr

For any evokers who reads through the quests, doesnt it feel pretty crap having all the dialog spoken to you as someone who has been around for a while and not as a dracthyr that just woke up from a nap?

Examples of this are after Wrathion saves Mommystrasza from Lightning Crazy Lady Dragon. Alexstrasza says “You have been a trusted friend over the years” but no I was asleep.

Another is whenever talking to the dwarf sitting on the edge that you have to sit by and listen to his story. He says something along the lines of “You only knew him as Deathwing and an evil person but we knew him as a friend, as a brother.” You do know he made me and I just found out that he used an artifact to control the dracthyr as a tool right?

Im not even done with the first zone yet but am finding so many inconsistencies. There are many obvious wins for this expansion but sadly playing through the story as the new race/class which is a major expansion feature is not one of them. Im not saying dracthyr shouldve had their own thing but come on at least have someone read through and add a trigger to change/delete a line here and there if the condition that the player is a dracthyr is met.


The first example is clearly an oversight.

I disagree on the second one though. Dracthyr only knew him as a corrupt warlord. Mind controlled or not. You didn’t know him prior. That’s true for Dracthyr just as it is Humans.

Same way DKs felt weird in Wrath when NPCs were all like

Yes, I was once a soldier of the Lich King, I am an elite soldier unlike anything you’ve seen before

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Idk I disagree with your disagreement. In the cinematics and the dracthyr starting zone the dracthyr are shocked that he did the things he did and are coming to acceptance for who he really was.

Ah they didn’t change that. I left a lot of feedback on the beta about dialogue like that as a dracthyr


I want to sound surprised but after their failure to read feedback in both the beta of BFA and Shadowlands I guess its just what they do. I can normally headcannon some inconsistancies to try and make sense of things but these are huge in your face issues.

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