*spoiler alert*

Bah Fine be blinded this not RP but this what I know what going to happen and yeti you willing ignore the fact the real truth what happening But no live in ignorance Fallow her to death and know how she gonna gut the horde

You think you got the moral high ground like what You think she the best? Nah It the worst and you can blame this on “hur hur crapy writing” Guess what bub WE STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT GOOD OR BAD WRITING!!!

I’m really not sure what to make of this guy. His crazed ramblings are pretty spot on Old God madness but surely nobody believes this stuff is real right?


It there, All of it!! You see it!!!

I do see it. But even as mentally unbalanced as I am I can divorce fiction from reality. Can you?


I love your list, I would add Gallywix to that list too and last we heard of Lor’themar he was slaughtering the Alliance in the Battle for Lordaeron.


Sylvanas has no idea Calia was resurrected though. If anything, Calia would end up completely ruining the whole plan for Sylvanas.

I’m betting Anduin will try to invite Calia and her Undead pals into the Alliance, only for Tyrande to screw it up by attacking them, or the Alliance citizenry get out the torches and pitchforks because they don’t want “undead monsters” in their ranks, driving Calia and the rest to side with Saurfang.

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Hmm where did i hear that before i wonder…
since they are doing another mop they may as well finish the job and gives the purge remastered!
i can’t wait.
new and exciting story!

Tyrande does have a track record of that kind of thing, spoiling possible future alliances through having no control of her anger-based knee-jerk reactions.

And, I was more going for a Scarlet Crusade type thing, rather than a Purge of Dalaran. If it were like the Purge, the Undead would already be living in Stormwind or something, and they would be getting killed in the streets.

Then there’s those datamined books that sound like the Alliance is going to have some ugly inner turmoil in the near future, including one calling Calia a “corpse bride”.

Anduin would have to keep these negotiations completely secret from the rest of the Alliance for no reason at all and who would be that stupid?

If Genn Greymane, who had his kingdom destroyed by the Forsaken and his son killed by Sylvanas, can accept that undead are people too, then anyone can.