Spiteful Reconstitution is actually a invisible Hand of Guldan

Spiteful Reconstitution Talent is bugged the way this talent should work is that it deals 10% more damage to implosion, and it can sometimes spawn and wild imp when you consume a demonic core.

Turns out, it don’t do only that.

The way it more than likely spawns the Wild Imp is by triggering the same effect as Hand of Gul’dan Wild Imp Spawner spell=196282/hand-of-guldan the issue is that its also triggering The Damage of HOG pell=86040/hand-of-guldan it.

Essentially this talent who reads

Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.

Actually works as

Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to Cast a 1 Shard Hand of Guldan.

Do i have evidence for that?

Here is a log www. warcraftlogs .com/reports/PKt3FD2dGAmjvLJT#fight=last&type=damage-done&source=21&view=events of it.

Now, in the Screenshot bellow, you will notice that you have a Demonbolt, and 2 Hands of Guldan, happening way bellow the GCD.

i.imgur .com/ iTwCXIa.png

but when we look at casts screenshot, no Hand of Guldan happened on that timing.
i.imgur .com/i5ic4MV.png

Why? because it was a proc from Spitefull.


1 - This Log is from Alpha, a fellow warlock of mine reported to me, but we have checked it on Retail and it also happens in there.

2 - Demonbolt on Alpha is currently consuming 2 Demonic Cores and this is why it triggered 2 Hands of Guldan.

3 - Honestly, i think this talent is cooler the bugged way, but might be a bit above the budget of it.