Spiteful Changes

Melee is getting crushed in one hit. This should be a stacking debuff or percentage of health. Something dies and there’s no time to react.

Something has gotta give and it shouldn’t be… don’t invite melee this week.

I get around this issue by using the “don’t do m+” affix. It can be tricky to pull off but I’ll show you. You see that group finder with groups for m+? See that red X button at the top right of the window? Click that. You’re welcome.:blush:


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Oh, this is another M+ whining thread?

When will these people learn? Don’t do it and you won’t have any problems.


Notice that a mob’s health is low and be prepared to adjust position/use binding/slowing/control tools at your disposal? When I’m on my shaman (when I’m dpsing, I play enhance), I drop Earthbind Totem when things are about to die and engage in strategic merry-go-rounding if need be should one of the ghosts focus me. I’ve done Spiteful dungeons with literally all melee groups before… yeah, it’s harder to deal with than ranged, but it’s not impossible.

(Note: I definitely agree that this affix is more punishing toward melee than ranged. On the other hand, there are other affixes that are way more punishing to casters.)


Melee have plenty of time to react. There are a few seconds between when the shades spawn and when they fixate. And everyone’s got a stun or a slow they can use to deal with them.

Failing that, dps could treat it more like bolstering week, so that shades aren’t spawning at random times and everyone gets better uptime on the real mobs. But that too would require them to actually pay attention…which is often a tall order for M+ pugs.

The shades take a few seconds to spawn and fixate. They also show as red if they’re fixated on you, so if they’re not red, ignore them

Spiteful be all like

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Melee should naturally have it slightly harder mechanic wise. As a player who has mastered being melee, ranged, healer and tank I feel it’s fair.

Ya’ll are sweaty up in this thread.

Oh nice just another person being rude because some people choose to play the game different from how you do.
It’s so 1 sided it’s rediculous.

Anyway now for what I was actually going to say. I have 2 weak auras.
One that puts the name of who they are targeting on their nameplate. That way if it’s a melee I can stun it and if it’s a ranged I let it walk towards them and time itself put.
The second puts a big electricity ball over them of they are on you and plays a sound when it’s targeting me so I know to run.

Between those 2 I seldom have issues with shades. Well technically now that I am a tank I have even less issues but that’s what I did when I was healing and it worked.

When OP sees spiteful:

Other players:

You can play the game however you want, but it’s obviously causing some of you distress and you continue doing it anyway. Why? If it’s unpleasant, stop.

I agree. When people arnt having fun they should do something different. Be that get a weak aura to stop yourself getting slapped by sprites or if not enjoying the game take a break. Whatever.
I don’t understand why you would call people sweaty ovet that. To each their own :man_shrugging:

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I typically use the term “sweaty” and “tryhard” to indicate people who are miserable doing what they’re doing, and instead of stopping, they confront the problem with massive amounts of fruitless effort. Ironically, most of the effort is focused on criticizing/belittling other players and the design of the game rather than improving their situation.

I don’t like seeing people descend into misery because of how they’re playing WoW, but it’s even more frustrating when they insist upon wallowing in that misery by creating unrealistic standards for themselves and everyone else.

Do whatever you want. Just have fun. This isn’t supposed to be a job.

You get the eyes icon before the mob agros you, you’ve got like 3 seconds to react, maybe 2 if it spawns directly on top of you.

Pay some attention and it’s ez