Spirestone Alliance Reconnections

I was in Beast it was a raiding guild not a twink guild

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It was both. Before we hit 60 we stopped at every bracket on the way up.


Yea I have Meekaa’s info I’ll tell him to hop on

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Malatov add me. I’ll be on horde Grobbulus too Ducks#1791

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Twisted Mister Human Warrior so many familiar names here WOW!! i aprove of this forum

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Beast started off as a Twink guild. Moved through the twink brackets until they finally decided to start raiding.


Tinyalmighty, Gnome, Warrior.


true most of us were exalted in all bg’s before we hit 60


Pizza warriors is going to be on Fairbanks.

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Priestey, Human Holy Priest. Did raids with Drasnith as a GM and later on with Shunni and Lilyse as GMs/raid leads. Healed alot with fellow holy priest Galamun.

Did alot of pvp with The Dirty Dozen, names on the top of my head are Origne, Matua, Tirandivh, Deepforseen, Manang, Greystalk, Wyvren and Tittes. I remember Johnbrother from those times as well.

Joined Addiction briefly during Mag’s Lair through SSC/TK progression before quitting long term.

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Alliance or horde this time? I’m rolling there with a guild from skywall I used to play with.

No it was Atrocity…Stilltarget GM

Atrocity yes

oh, hey! Sup Jeb?!

Rolonephist, druid and Ihavechicken warlock extraordinaire, raided MC/BWL/ZG with Atrocity…stilltarget/drasnith/rach/sweet Kelenas/DrJones/and the hits keep comin


Looking for anyone that was in the guild In Flames. I played a NE rogue named Darktality.

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ive taken a screenshot of this and will send it to dazsh, he will definitely get it and read it

he doesn’t really play anymore tho dude, unfortunately

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tell him johnbrother dwarf priest asked

he will definitely remember


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yes! hi merys! hope youre coming to play some with us

tell galamun that i asked for him

the dirty dozen boys were mostly out of guam, alot of them have moved on now, have families etc

i have contacted and shared this link with


they are the only ones i have a contact for, but i doubt they’ll come to play, TW might

if you have a contact for origne, can you please send him the link for this forum and tell him johnbrother dwarf priest asked for him, he will definitely remember


Thank you very much!

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