Spirestone Alliance Reconnections

I remember both of those characters. Revolution came a little after Beast as two of the premiere twink guilds. I use to run around on my lv 19 twink Male Nelf Hunter names Razerus.

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Hey guys. Lots of familiar names here, like Elfyelf /wink /wink. Is Naughtee still around? Miss my hug-on-sight alli buddies. Hope to see you guys soon.


I use to see you in BGs all the time. This name made me remember Hmong the hunter Scorpid stinging casters, Tthrack the enhancement shaman (use to give me fits with that wind fury) and I remember a PoM pyro Troll who hit for a crap ton. Was his name Incredible? Or something close to that?

I remember Hmong and Tthrack. Not sure about the troll mage though. Definitely remember you as well haha. May play on alli this time around.


Yeah. Good to see some old faces. That’s funny because I’m actually considering rolling horde. Idk if I want to go for the full nostalgia experience going back alliance or try something new leveling horde. The horde racials are very tempting.

Shunni gnome warlock was GM of a guild for the BWL content, i was one of the raid priests in that raid and guild for that content with him, sorry cant remember the name of the guild, i left that guild to help create and officer in a guild called Pizza Warriors with Maximuspapa


and not me man…

we shared a house for a year in sydney lol

soooo shiiittttt


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can you contact meeka? and link him this site?

he was a human warlock

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Pizza Warriors was my home dude, my favorite guild I’ve ever been in. :slight_smile:


Wow so many names I remember. I played with Leprikon in Pizza Warriors for years. You might also remember my RL friends Valikim and Ieatcarrots. I also raided with Absolved quite a bit in BC. I remember Ferwin and Armaz.
My characters names were Zanock (mage) and Rokahn (Druid).


I definitely remember Valikim and Ieatcarrots! I actually have an old screenshot with Ieatcarrots’ name in the chat.

long live DoDo

Man, maki, grymes, and i ran so many hellfire dungeons for those dumb crafting materials.

Lot of great names here. For more information we are rolling Grobbulus Horde.


Holy moly vblas, that’s a name i haven’t heard on a while

Played a 19 twink rogue Jinsu on Revo

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We neer some of the original Rank 14s in this thread. Where’s the hmongs and scrolltrolls. Where’s nachomak, the superior to nomak?


Hi, everyone. I was Prufrock, an NE Hunter in Legio Draconis, Absolved, and finally Powerful Wizard IRL. I started playing sometime after Penthercy hit rank 14 but before Kosh did, I think. I did the rank grind about the same time as Wizaar (hi!), Silverfir, Arla, and Azurine, but I stopped at Marshal. Most of my time on Spirestone was grinding BGs and occasionally arguing with Phlange on the realm forum.

Johnbrother, if you’d put me in touch with Daz, I would really appreciate it. I don’t have any plans to play again, but I meant to find him on Facebook but never ended up getting a Facebook and would just love to catch up with the guy. My Blizzard thing is SPQR 1526.

If anyone is still in contact with any other Legio people, I’d also be interested, especially with the ones I remember spending a ton of time with:

Kiirieh, Justfunin, Ryanseacrest, Align, and Bakuya

I don’t think I spent enough time in Absolved to make much of an impression because it was right before TBC came out, but I do remember you, Ferwin and Pve, and I’m still in touch with Troublemaker if you’d like to say hi or anything.

I can’t remember where I originally knew Nachomak and Corinna from, but I’d also love to catch up with them, too, if anyone knows them.

Also, I don’t suppose anyone still has any of Kakumei’s videos around? I’d especially love to rewatch Frendly’s 3v3 tournament and his video ganking Orochimaru over and over again. The hard drive with my screenshots and those videos got destroyed : (. Thanks and hope yall have had fantastic lives since vanilla!


scrolltroll lol

Fireblast Gnome Mage [ Arabian Knights ] and [ Return of the Kings ]

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Oh my the memories!