Spirestone Alliance Reconnections

Alliance side fairbanks server, right?

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si sir, add me on battlenet and i can toss you discord info

I believe Johnbrother said he is still in contact with Sensen, but not sure about the others, sorry.

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Yeah, been a very long time–I think Rabidanimal was one of our primary flag runners when you and I were grinding, and I know that Nachomak played with us as well.

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Wow. I definitely remember those names. Man, those were the days. I remember the name Nachomak but I can’t remember what class he played.

Nacho was a mage, good dude!

Those were the days indeed!

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Heyyy Troub I remember your name as well! I definitely remember Meridian and Palinq after moving servers at the end of TBC.

Oh man, Greata! You were a Rogue class leader and Hupplin the Pally, also I remember you guys. Vandal the… lock, I think, he was in FATE for a while, too. It’s awesome to hear all these names again, seems like a million years ago now. I think you guys still have some dkp on the books, though… lol jk


Alisha Human Mage

Hi Wizzar! Pretty sure I got us killed by breaking your poly on a horde gank xD

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fairbanks alliance i believe

i have sensen on realid and have messaged her

says shes been offline 11days

Hey! Haha. The nostalgia is too much. Too many old schoolers here.

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Looking for anyone from Shadowglen Council.

I was in Beast, Snieder NE Rogue.


I take that back I started with them as a twink guild then I lead them for a raiding guild, this is Bigbone the hunter


Ya i remember those days what a good time!!! anyone hear from thenyx?

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Whats up everyone i’m sure if you were on Spirestone you know me “Bigbone” night elf hunter from both PVE/PVP guilds Blades of Stormwind, To be Determined, Atrocity(Raid Leader), Absolved, Beast (Raid Leader), Insomnia and several other guilds i can’t remember at the moment through my 4? 5? 6+? years on Spirestone. I can’t even remember anymore from beta testing the game and playing through so many expansions until the game completely moved away from what I thought made this a great game. My brother and I will be on Thalnos more than likely and I will be playing either another night elf hunter named Bigbone or a priest Renew as of now. Please feel free to hit me up in game once classic goes live as i’m sure I will be trying to fill raids as fast as possible. I am very excited about this relaunch especially being on official servers!!!

Stilltarget (one of the best pvp mages of classic imo) that brings back really old school memories stilltarget, phoenixkrw, and 2 others are who initially convinced me to play wow because as a beta tester i hated the game and we were a counter strike 1.6 competitive clan at the time so ya…good stuff

So many names I remember Camora-I still have a video of us from one of our first MC clears!!, -Ducks, Meekah, Vlbaspheme, Ferwin, Johnbrother, elfyelf, Xianghua, Alpha, House, Nomak, Assara, RADION(would love to hear his voice agian!!), malatov (so much time spent battling in bgs before crossrealm…), and soooooooooo many that aren’t here that i know we all wish we could see again.

Here is a link to Our first guild video from guild "Beast’
Beast in MC Spirestone


Wassup Armez, your name definitely rang a bell. good to see you bro. hope things are going good for you. lol i know palinq still pokes around here and there same with arocard. not sure but i think they are gonna hit up WoW classic, no clue what faction though.

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For anyone deciding on playing ally on fairbanks add me for discord info! elfyelf #1787

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It was cool to see a lot of familiar names that I haven’t seen in years. Even those whom I didn’t know personally but remember seeing them around. Hunnbunny, Slyguy, Radeon, Maea. Thanks for the link.

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