Alliance side fairbanks server, right?
si sir, add me on battlenet and i can toss you discord info
I believe Johnbrother said he is still in contact with Sensen, but not sure about the others, sorry.
Yeah, been a very long time–I think Rabidanimal was one of our primary flag runners when you and I were grinding, and I know that Nachomak played with us as well.
Wow. I definitely remember those names. Man, those were the days. I remember the name Nachomak but I can’t remember what class he played.
Nacho was a mage, good dude!
Those were the days indeed!
Heyyy Troub I remember your name as well! I definitely remember Meridian and Palinq after moving servers at the end of TBC.
Oh man, Greata! You were a Rogue class leader and Hupplin the Pally, also I remember you guys. Vandal the… lock, I think, he was in FATE for a while, too. It’s awesome to hear all these names again, seems like a million years ago now. I think you guys still have some dkp on the books, though… lol jk
Alisha Human Mage
Hi Wizzar! Pretty sure I got us killed by breaking your poly on a horde gank xD
fairbanks alliance i believe
i have sensen on realid and have messaged her
says shes been offline 11days
Hey! Haha. The nostalgia is too much. Too many old schoolers here.
Looking for anyone from Shadowglen Council.
I was in Beast, Snieder NE Rogue.
I take that back I started with them as a twink guild then I lead them for a raiding guild, this is Bigbone the hunter
Ya i remember those days what a good time!!! anyone hear from thenyx?
Whats up everyone i’m sure if you were on Spirestone you know me “Bigbone” night elf hunter from both PVE/PVP guilds Blades of Stormwind, To be Determined, Atrocity(Raid Leader), Absolved, Beast (Raid Leader), Insomnia and several other guilds i can’t remember at the moment through my 4? 5? 6+? years on Spirestone. I can’t even remember anymore from beta testing the game and playing through so many expansions until the game completely moved away from what I thought made this a great game. My brother and I will be on Thalnos more than likely and I will be playing either another night elf hunter named Bigbone or a priest Renew as of now. Please feel free to hit me up in game once classic goes live as i’m sure I will be trying to fill raids as fast as possible. I am very excited about this relaunch especially being on official servers!!!
Stilltarget (one of the best pvp mages of classic imo) that brings back really old school memories stilltarget, phoenixkrw, and 2 others are who initially convinced me to play wow because as a beta tester i hated the game and we were a counter strike 1.6 competitive clan at the time so ya…good stuff
So many names I remember Camora-I still have a video of us from one of our first MC clears!!, -Ducks, Meekah, Vlbaspheme, Ferwin, Johnbrother, elfyelf, Xianghua, Alpha, House, Nomak, Assara, RADION(would love to hear his voice agian!!), malatov (so much time spent battling in bgs before crossrealm…), and soooooooooo many that aren’t here that i know we all wish we could see again.
Here is a link to Our first guild video from guild "Beast’
Beast in MC Spirestone
Wassup Armez, your name definitely rang a bell. good to see you bro. hope things are going good for you. lol i know palinq still pokes around here and there same with arocard. not sure but i think they are gonna hit up WoW classic, no clue what faction though.
For anyone deciding on playing ally on fairbanks add me for discord info! elfyelf #1787
It was cool to see a lot of familiar names that I haven’t seen in years. Even those whom I didn’t know personally but remember seeing them around. Hunnbunny, Slyguy, Radeon, Maea. Thanks for the link.