Spires of Ascension - Massive Fps Drop (facing north)

I have been having a similar issue in Spires of Ascension on all of my characters since the 9.0.5 patch every time I look certain ways (mostly north toward the center platform) my frames drop up to 20 fps below what they were before the patch, I have also observed a similar occurrence in ardenweald whenever looking the the direction on an active anima conductor stream. The ardenweald performance issues only occur on my night fae demon hunter where I have the anima conductor active and is noticeably absent on any other character that does not have the anima conductor active/unlocked. I think it might be an issue with the anima conductor streams considering these are also present throughout the Spires of Ascension dungeon. I have tried the usual fixes of resetting the interface, disabling addons, updating my gpu drivers (a gtx960 2gb) and nothing seems to be fixing the issue, even when I lower my graphics setting to minimum the framerate does not improve in the areas mentioned.